Transcending racism in yourself requires consciousness and self-evolution. These qualities are unfortunately relatively rare for many people. Perhaps the best we can hope for is to hold ourselves as individuals to an evolved, conscious state and thereby be a beacon to others.

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i learned to reject the family racism growing up in a completely dysfunctional family going through the “new house” will patch the marriage phase. aside from my teachers, the only loving, smiling adult my 8 year old self knew, was the Black cleaning lady. i knew their hate came from deep insecurities—the kind that drive one to demean another to feel good about oneself. glad i always craved knowledge of the “other” & grateful i got to work around the world with all kinds of folks that reinforced the lessons of my childhood. racism is the ugliest of them all.

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'...This is the week we found out for sure that Trump knew how bad the virus was in early February, but continued to downplay it, and lie about it, because he feared that a volatile stock market would hurt his re-election chances. (Bob Woodward also ...'(article)

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'...We were also reminded this week that plenty of Americans are still ugly racists. When players from the Kansas City Chiefs and the Houston Texans joined arms in a show of unity before kickoff of the NFL season on Thursday night, many in the socially-distanced crowd of 22,000 began lustily to boo during the moment of silence. ...'(article)

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