Truly sublime. Thank you, thank you.

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Natural selection is busily at work.

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Thank you, Greg. There is a fundamental characteristic about most of the Trump base: They feel the only way that they can improve their lives is by being BULLIES. Pushing and shoving and shouting until what they want magically appears to them. And Trump is the Champion of Bullies, an obscene sociopath who cares for no one, indeed, wants everyone else to die, die, die. Witness his amplification of the COVID at EVERY opportunity. Witness every policy he and his administration have put forward. Witness the thousands of children scarred for life by his border policies. Witness his policies towards China and Europe. And so on. And the base chant "One of us, one of us, one of us" in the hopes that their fervent methods of achieving better lives can find yet more victims to step on on their way to the top.

Those people are not going to change, they see bullying as their only path, since they are too deplorable, gullible or stupid to see any other path open to them. Trump is the great white hope for them, in more ways than one. No.

Only the death or the massive stroke of Trump will provide relief to the rest of us, as his followers fight amongst themselves, bullying each other, to become the Leader of the Bullies. They will surely rip themselves and the Republican party into tiny pieces, and then slowly sink back into the primordial mud that gave them birth.

Be patient, that time IS coming.

Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Cthulhu-mas, Kwanza, or other myth you, of course, don't really believe.

Oh, and Happy Patient New Year. ❤️

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Always love your insights. Thank you

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“we must blast through the cavern in which MAGA nation has siloed itself”

First time through I read that passage as we must blast through the cavern in which MAGA nation has SOILED itself. That’s not what it actually says, but I feel it’s equally as descriptive nonetheless

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Most by far of the 300,000 deaths were in fact avoidable, which indicates genocide, a word for which there are no adjectives. <3

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(By Greg Olear, article)What divides us, as a nation, is not disagreement about the finer points of Christianity, as in Europe during the Wars of Religion, or attitudes toward slavery, as in the United States of the 1850s and 60s, but rather a consensus reality. Right now, there are (at least) two versions of reality: the actual truth, and whatever Orwellian doublespeak horseshit Trump/Q/MAGA happen believe at any given time.

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