I’m trying to “defrag” my brain, too. Very difficult these days. I’ll add the Transit of Venus to my fiction list, although I suffer the same inability to focus on fiction like in days past. I am allotting an hour or so each afternoon to take a break from non fiction, the Times & txittler to read novels. I am going through my mother’s ol…
I’m trying to “defrag” my brain, too. Very difficult these days. I’ll add the Transit of Venus to my fiction list, although I suffer the same inability to focus on fiction like in days past. I am allotting an hour or so each afternoon to take a break from non fiction, the Times & txittler to read novels. I am going through my mother’s old paperbacks from the 1960’s so I can donate them after reading. I’m currently savoring “The Magus” by John Fowles. (You’ve brought back a lovely memory of stopping in Lyon with my sister to pick up supplies for a picnic as we drove down to Nice. Now I’m having a Proustian moment thinking of French bread & cheese).
I’m trying to “defrag” my brain, too. Very difficult these days. I’ll add the Transit of Venus to my fiction list, although I suffer the same inability to focus on fiction like in days past. I am allotting an hour or so each afternoon to take a break from non fiction, the Times & txittler to read novels. I am going through my mother’s old paperbacks from the 1960’s so I can donate them after reading. I’m currently savoring “The Magus” by John Fowles. (You’ve brought back a lovely memory of stopping in Lyon with my sister to pick up supplies for a picnic as we drove down to Nice. Now I’m having a Proustian moment thinking of French bread & cheese).