I so needed this today. Thank you!

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Great explanation of this poem! Let us pray that the scotus plan to take us back 50 years is ruined just like the sleek little rodent’s home! Poor thing.

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Amen to that!

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This is a pretty perfect choice.

I especially loved your paraphrasing throughout, although this part takes the cake:

“ A coulter is a round cutting blade, but the horror aspects of the poem are enhanced if you imagine Ann.”

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Thanks. Funnily, I sat down intending to write about something completely different, and this just sort of came out while writing the intro -- another example of all the plans going awry this week.

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Thank you! I have to admit that I haven't given one thought to Ann Coulter is SO long that that part completely slipped by me.

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As I edge toward the end of my life span and the country edges toward the end of its...sigh.

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Both, I hope, have many many years to go.

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I can't remember whether it was your conversation with Ryan Byrne or Brynn Tannehill in which one of them said that great empires seem to have a maximum lifespan of about 300 years that made me sense a harmonic convergence between myself and my country.

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It was Ryan, this past week.

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LOVE it. Just in case others don’t know, “agley” is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable: a-GLEY. “Gang aft agley” is a two beat line so “the best laid plans of mice and men get fucked again” fits Burns’s scansion. But thanks for this touching poem this Stormy morning.

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Thanks, John. I know, I screwed up the scansion. It's kind of fun to say "gang AFT a-GLEY." It doesn't roll off the tongue, but there's something satisfying about it.

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So dam true about best laid plans. The bf ordered our smashing pumpkins tickets this week & we had all the difficult details planned out> Hotel, dog care, work. Well he doesn’t do much internet ordering & he bought them through ticketfaster 🤣 instead of ticketmaster. I’m like are you f’ing kidding me -what is that?!. Crossing my fingers we have seats 🫤. Letting the universe decide if we should go lol.

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Ticketfaster? OMG. I hope it all works out, and that they do a rousing version of "Cherub Rock."

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Ikr?! It’s like a Seinfeld episode. He talked to a live person today so I think we’re ok but its a lesson learned for dam sure. 🤘yeeee 🎸 ty🥰

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I can’t remember chuckling out loud so much since … well, since the last thing you posted. Thank you, Greg. 🌞

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Thank you, good sir. I remember the last time *I* chuckled a lot...it was yesterday, when I went on the Stuttering John show, very last minute in keeping with the theme of the week, and spent an hour laughing at Hal Sparks.

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Just did the same and LOL’d through yard work. So cathartic to hear you all riff on the madness. Here’s hoping the piñata gets whacked - and cracked - soon!

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First time I’ve seen Scots Doric translated so clearly and succinctly. Nice job, Greg!

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The Plow

I Follow Jared Diamond's thoughts on the Coulter.

The Advent of Agriculture was mans greatest mistake.

Then the Krupps turned such into The Gun.

And now its 2 mintues to Nuclear Winter.

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That Guns Germs & Steel book is pretty amazing.

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Cal, please point me to "Jared Diamond's thoughts on the Coulter." I'm a big Jared Diamond fan.

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I enjoyed your "translations" as much as or even more so the poem itself! I don't know that much about Mercury or its retrograde status, but something seems awry. I gave up the attempts to stay on an even keel this week and just disappeared into another thriller. At least I know that the author is going to end it well, unlike the poor beastie's field house.

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Thanks! Mercury controls travel and technology and logistics, and when it is retrograde -- when it appears to move backwards in the sky -- those things have difficulty.

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OK, you got me -- enough to turn me into a paid subscriber. I often quote these famous lines from Burns, my dad often cryptically cited that "blind man" reference (but I'd never heard the back half of it until just now). Plus, I appreciate your slight slam at DeGrasse Tyson's limited view on the significance of eclipses, as well as your acknowledgment of Mercury's apparent retrograde motion as a reflection of scheduling delays and snafus on Spaceship Earth. If you are interested in being kept current on the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the news, I can recommend an excellent weekly forecast. Kindest regards.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love that weekly forecast recommendation. Planet and space stuff is like my second job!

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Appreciate your interest, Steve -- and since you ask, I will share. You'll find The Forecast at https://www.elisabethgrace.com. Comments always welcome : )

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Thank you, Elizabeth! I absolutely love how you connect the planetary alignments with the events of the day! I really appreciate your way of presenting this important information.

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Thanks so much, Elisabeth. Much appreciated. That's funny that your dad also withheld the punchline! And yes, please send...oh wait, it's below, I will go look. Thanks!

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Greg, I want to thank you for your ability to attract such an incredible group of people. I hope you know how valuable that is. Very rare!

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Current plows to guns by Amy Davidson Sorkin in the New Yorker

"estimated four hundred million guns owned privately in the United States. Four days after the shooting, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued a report showing that licensed gun manufacturers produced more than eleven million new weapons in 2020—

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‘I see, said the blind man’ was a favorite saying of my mom’s, too, I doubt if she knew the rest, and I never thought to wonder, thanks for enlightening me, Greg!

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And a very nice interpretation it is, good sir. We are richly rewarded.

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The three blind mice..

The US continuing war with Russia saw Nixon agree to unite with China. Little did Dick an Henry know that China covertly set up that plan. A likely Chinese proverb might provide explanation. "America can never lay down the butcher knife and become a budda."

The Coutler at work.

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I liked your interpretations. Made me smile. :)

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