Nov 7, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Thank you Greg.

I can’t believe I was nine-and-forty when I started reading this and now I am one-and-fifty. Time flies. Congratulations on the milestone, best wishes for continued success, and a bucket full of gratitude.

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Thanks! I am nine-and-forty now...or will be, one week from today, so same deal. Much appreciated!

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Happy Anniversary! Here’s to many more Tuesdays🎉🎉🎉, Fridays, and Sundays of “must read/listen” content. Well done👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Don’t lose heart with Garland, and don’t ever discount Lisa Monaco’s resolve.

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Thanks so much for all your support! I like Monaco a lot. We'll see how it all shakes out.

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You’ve done a great job! I’m off to Reykyavik on the 16th to listen to my nephew speak at a mystery writers’ conference so I may be off my 🎉🎉🎉 game that Tues and Fri but I’ll be reading and listening. Your posts remain the treats of my weeks!😄👏🏻👍🏻

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Congratulations on your two-year anniversary! Your writing is such a pleasure to read. And, don't fret, as justice sometimes misses a door only to turn around, when we least expect it, and find her way through.

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Thanks, Kirby! Let's hope so re: the justice. Let's hope so.

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First Happy Anniversary! I really enjoy Prevail and your ‘band of misfits’ LOL! Champions for Democracy!

The rest is downhill. I’m so worried. I just keep having premonitions of neighbors taking up arms (we’ll be defenseless), vendettas of TFG harshest critiques, a government stacked with Flynn, Bannon, Barr, Miller x’s 2, Carlson, MJT, Cawthorne and vendettas galore. We only know this to happen elsewhere, but when only 20% of my community voted in the local election, if where I live is reflective of the nation, I really believe 80% don’t get it. We’ll spend the next week touting infrastructure with a party that is steamrolling & scheming against voting, black, indigenous & immigrants rights, and building a campaign infrastructure built on FOX propaganda, gerrymandering, conspiracies and lies. I don’t want to be disappointed in Garland or Biden for that matter. I hesitate to write this but alarm bells have been ringing with a brief pause where we held our breath. Good news this week? Sure. Another pause? Voting rights, the climate emergency and COVID are choking societies and 911 is terrible at triage. We’re introducing bipartisan bills to change ‘daylight savings’. Whitehouse & Nunez???? Ughhh!

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Thanks so much! Yeah, there's always this stop and start, but it's important to honor the progress. Biden and Pelosi did some great work this week. Let's hope it continues...

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Happy anniversary from one who is two and eighty. Methinks’tis time to go after the man Garland.

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Thanks, Jack! Much appreciated! And I quite agree!

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Nov 7, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Congratulations on your Prevail anniversary! Best $$ I ever spent. I’m a bit concerned about the investigation into the insurrection on 1/6 but still believe justice will prevail! On another note your Knicks play my Cavs tonight so I’ll be thinking of you! 😉

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The Cavs are an exciting team. Fun to watch! And really, that's all we want, right? Thanks so much!

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Vielen vielen Dank and Muchissimas Gracias in return. 🙏 🙏

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Verfluchte u. verdammte Substack which doesn’t have an “edit” feature.

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I could voice my opinion about Trump and Steve Bannon and the rest of these . . . [censored labels here] . . . not yet being jailbirds, but the words might be a little too caustic even for this soft R rated forum.

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It is comforting that you have no intention to change the name of your substack! I not only learn from Prevail, but I appreciate your direct and honest portrayal of people and circumstances, and I SO enjoy your literary additions! The latter takes the edge off when I am struggling with the nefarious actions of soulless individuals. Maybe that's too harsh, but I cannot imagine those monsters having anything resembling a SOUL.

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A very sobering poem, it choked me up because it brought back a flood of memories!

Garland. I suspect he is well aware that Wray as well as other agents inside the DOJ and the bureau are dirty. That is the only explanation I can come up with as to why Garland has been so slow and so quiet. I’m certain he has a plan (maybe he needs to round them all up at one time?), perhaps he is just waiting for certain things to fall into place first.

Pressure on Garland has been mounting. There’s no possible way Biden isn’t getting word of this pressure - especially not with Kamala in his ear! I don’t believe for one second that Biden would allow Garland to stay on the job if he was compromised.

I’ll just say in closing, please don’t lose faith. I believe all will be revealed and we will all breathe easier very soon!

And Happy Anniversary my friend! Enjoy the moments, they are precious but fleeting 💗🙏🏽💫

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Great stuff, Greg. And thanks for all your great writing. Love the Lebowski references. Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous...

If anybody is to blame, it's got to be the carpet pissers.

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Excellent. Thank you, Greg.

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Thank you, your columns have been a great comfort in troubled times.

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Technically, I'm two days late in wishing you a happy anniversary, AND a happy birthday later this week. There have been two things that have kept me sane over the past several months: your columns and podcasts, Greg, and the podcast, "My Favorite Murder." Well, really three things, but the last one is an actual prescribed medication so it doesn't really count.

I think a lot of us might be getting fed up with the idea of "waiting" much longer for AG Garland to take care of all the white elephants in his room. When yesterday, Monday, there was an announcement that there was going to be a HUGELY important press conference with a MAJOR statement coming from the DOJ, my hopes were up all morning. Then Garland gets out there and talks about identifying a Ukrainian hacker responsible for ransomware attacks over the past few years -- a story, by the way, that would actually be HUGELY important in a normal world, but in this case, right here and right now, was, "oh, OK, good." Meanwhile, Bannon is looking at some time in jail if he's convicted, but we don't even know if that's going anywhere, Trump is still loose, six more potential subpoena-scoffers today, one a convicted felon, and the world keeps turning as if Trump and January 6th never happened. Where's the urgency from these people? Ugh!

In any case, I look forward to your continuing your "prevailing" resistance to this shit-show. As many here have said, Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays are Greg Days! The ladies of "My Favorite Murder" turn out episodes on Mondays and Thursdays, and I am ALWAYS on these drugs, so I'm all set! Cheers!

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