Looking forward to what you're cooking up next!

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OK Greg, I’ll indulge you the Mexico-Texas and Mexico-California hypotheticals. But they aren’t really necessary.

Putin is a POS. His soldiers follow the lead of their leader and imitate his level of integrity: they kill any civilian they want to kill, they steal anything they want to steal, and they are criminals just like the scumbag who runs their country.

I have said this before, and I will say it again: for a few years I was subscribing to the New York Times, and then in 2020 or 2021, I canceled my subscription. Too much of that source is suspect. I no longer have trust in them, I no longer read them, I no longer pay attention to or have respect for anything they say, even when they get it right on occasion.

I recommend that each of you do the same. Cancel your subscription to NYT. Ignore them.

As Greg has pointed out so many times, the Republicans in our Congress have been corrupted by Putin‘s Russia. Occasionally he manages to corrupt a Democrat as well. I still remember in 2020 when one of my sisters liked Tulsi Gabbard. I was suspicious. Something doesn’t smell right.

Personally, I think the nuclear threats are empty. Putin knows that we would obliterate his stupid ass in a nuclear confrontation. If Mexico were attacking California, San Diego would send a SEAL team into Mexico City and take out that stupid fucker.

One man started this thing, and that one man needs to be eliminated. It is the only solution. I agree completely with Greg, this asshole uses talking points about diplomacy to escape consequences. He needs to be eliminated. That is the only solution to this lousy mess.

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Pretty much agree except to say Russia should be neutered -- made not a Strategic Threat. No matter who sits in the Kremlin, no gnarly toys

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

I have a good friend who lives in Hawaii. When Tulsi was running, my friend put out the warning that those in Hawaii who knew her then KNEW she was a wolf in sheep's clothing (recall all those white suits?) with lots of suspicious dark money funding her - the source of that money NO ONE knew. I began to listen to her carefully, to see what she was saying without out right saying it. Sure enough. She's no more an American than Putin. She could be one of his plants for all I know.

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I actually don't remember seeing her in ANYTHING but white, which could mean several things, none of them good. If you Google her name for images, it's white, red, or blue -- NOTHING else. When the hammer and sickle flag went away, Russia had LOTS of choices in their flag's color scheme, but what did they choose? Exactly. Better to fly under the radar.

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My in-laws lived in HI for 2 years and fell in love with Tulsi. My sister-in-law sent me a video of Gabbard working out. I informed her I was no fan of hers and to please not send me any more of those videos. She didn’t but they still adore her. Ugh!

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I did the same thing vis-à-vis The New York Times, who should be renaming themselves The New York Pravda, although THAT would be a spectacular lie too.

I came to feel this way during Trump's reign: if a problem is attacked from all possible reasonable diplomatic directions and nothing changes because the person who is causing the problem cannot be diplomatically reasoned with, elimination (to use the euphemism) is the only thing left. 100% agree, bullet or piano wire makes never mind to me.

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Everyone who knows me from Heather knows I’m a pacifist. In our house, we don’t kill spiders, we escort them out. But Putin is an exception: I would use the analogy of mosquito, but it’s more like rabid rodent the size of small whale. He is the lowest form of human, and now it’s become obvious to everyone in the world what some of us were already seeing for years, and what Greg was seeing for decades. Putin is a criminal to the core with no morals, even fewer than Chump. His army targets civilian groups: train stations, refugees, you name it. Russian soldiers kill Ukrainian civilians in cold blood on a daily basis, the video is there. Putin lies steals and kills with impunity.

Back at the end of World War II, the Germans in the east were terrified because the Russians were coming. The Germans in the south and west were also terrified, but they were treated by and large with great courtesy by the European allies and U.S. Army. American soldiers followed the Geneva convention, Russian soldiers did not. It’s curious how little changes over time. Personal story: my father’s family in Munich ended up being the temporary home of an American U.S. Army supply company. When the Americans were arriving, the town was terrified about what would happen, but their worst fears were never realized.

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You're so right, Roland, that little changes over time. Great story about your father's family home.

How's it going in your new home?

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NYT was a reliable source during the trump years and I often used links to their articles and quotes from their articles to help make sense of what was happening at the time. I have not looked at the NYT in a couple of years, nor do I intend to. I used to watch a tv show called "Million Dollar Listing - New York". I find real estate very interesting and can often find the link to what real estate is selling for and who's buying it, to an underlying current in society. So many properties were selling for insane amounts of money. I know New York is a financial center of the world but this was very strange to me and didn't "feel" right. I wonder how much of that real estate was bought by Russian Oligarchs? And how much of New York they still own and control.

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I would guess A LOT, if Trump Properties is any indication. The Mango Wanker was selling condos in Trump Tower to Russians by the boatload, and I'd assume not just in that building. Trump never cared where the money came from or how dirty it was, just so it came to him. But now, "Donald Trump of Florida" is, I'm sure, working on selling more crap in Florida so he can pay for his defense lawyers in advance.

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Yes, I remember seeing many clients from around the world in the beginning of the series. As time went on, "representatives" for clients were shown instead. I paid close attention to see if trump was ever mentioned. Some agents alluded to what a joke he was, but Howard Lorber ( CEO of Douglas Elliman Real Estate) mentioned trump as one of his close friends. I would fast forward or delete whenever he came on screen again (which was rare). I'm sure all of this is true in any major city in the U.S.

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Headed over to Prevail with a fully charged wireless headset. Thanks, Greg.

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Your hypothetical is spot on. BTW, I tweeted this to the NYT with a suggestion that they read it before publishing any more Putin propaganda. I hope SOMEONE there sees that tweet and follows through.

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Excellent. I hate to give up my subscription, but the time may have come.

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I hear Chinas leaders clapping in the background.

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"Stand by, stand by"

China Hegemony 2049

Grand Moff Tarkin

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Let me start by saying I am reeling from the decisions coming from the "supreme" court over the last few days. I include Roe v. Wade, expansion of gun rights (?), and miranda rights. My personal opinion is that this has all been orchestrated for years by Putin. At the root of all of this coming to fruition is GREED. Greed of money and greed of power. Happily supplied by Putin and his minions. Our only hope is that this angers enough Americans to get out and vote blue.

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With likely promises from chump that there would be no pushback. He waited a tad too long, but if Rupert has input (no doubt about that from this quarter), then he only has a short wait to get the MAGAts on board.

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This article just came to my attention. It sounds very hopeful for Democrats in the midterms. It seems not only Ukrainian Americans, but also Polish Americans as well are not happy with the GOP...and they vote. Great news!

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Who will be our Chamberlain, please, not Tulsi. Why is she a thing? We have enough heavy weight idiots…

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The human sound you are hearing is not bring enlightenment.

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I'm not in a place to post a web site but for a great rant by my favorite insane Aussie check out Caitlin Johnstone's latest post.

"The world is ruled by a backwards puritanical regime."

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