Having grown up in New Orleans when the likes of Huey Long and his family were still in power, nothing about corruption surprises me. My closest brush with these thugs was when Larry Chehardy, the long time tax assessor in Jefferson Parish, successfully campaigned for re-election to his post on the platform of 'as long as you have a mor…
Having grown up in New Orleans when the likes of Huey Long and his family were still in power, nothing about corruption surprises me. My closest brush with these thugs was when Larry Chehardy, the long time tax assessor in Jefferson Parish, successfully campaigned for re-election to his post on the platform of 'as long as you have a mortgage, you don't have to pay any property tax.' I was a very young teacher in the pathetic public schools that were so-called funded by the property tax that wasn't collected from very many people. Only the poorest people sent their kids to public school, so you can guess how popular Larry was. And that was just one small part of the corruption there. Laissez le bon temps rouler.
My god, that's just horrible. And ensures that the education system of the state sucks. Which, I believe, it still does. Always very low in the national rankings. Disgraceful. And racist af.
Having grown up in New Orleans when the likes of Huey Long and his family were still in power, nothing about corruption surprises me. My closest brush with these thugs was when Larry Chehardy, the long time tax assessor in Jefferson Parish, successfully campaigned for re-election to his post on the platform of 'as long as you have a mortgage, you don't have to pay any property tax.' I was a very young teacher in the pathetic public schools that were so-called funded by the property tax that wasn't collected from very many people. Only the poorest people sent their kids to public school, so you can guess how popular Larry was. And that was just one small part of the corruption there. Laissez le bon temps rouler.
My god, that's just horrible. And ensures that the education system of the state sucks. Which, I believe, it still does. Always very low in the national rankings. Disgraceful. And racist af.