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Luckily, there are still a lot of Americans that are not ON "social" media, like me. Other than here, and one or two other places, I don't engage with social media as it's mostly toxic and full of all of the shit enumerated in this piece at the BEST of times. Not only did I make a plan to vote, which has now been carried out, and both my mom's and my own ballots have been officially received per Cook County, I've also made a plan for AFTER Election Day until Inauguration Day.

Once I hear from "The Networks," who won, I'm done. I still remember Rudy Giuliani's exclamation during his press conference in front of the landscaping business, squeezed between a crematorium and a dildo store, when he was told Biden had won per The Networks, "OH! THE NETWORKS!!" Yes, Rudy, the networks; the mainstream media; the radio, the TV, the newspapers around the world. I still believe them no matter how much they've been diminished and have diminished themselves (Jeff Bezos) over the past several years. So, once I hear that result, I'm going back to watching TV shows I need to catch up on, reading books that are blowing up my Kindle, and dog videos on YouTube, and honestly, fuck the rest of it. I mean, seriously, enough is enough. In Biden parlance, "My GOD!"

I downloaded the Nazi rally from Sunday night so I could watch it at a sped-up rate and discovered that 1.4x is the limit for me of understanding the spoken word and still being able to comprehend what is being said. I have heard it said that the Nazi rally in 1939 was a stain on the reputation of the history of Madison Square Garden. Sunday night is without a doubt, the second historical stain on its reputation. From the opening act, the alleged "comic" with the Puerto Rican jokes and the racist jokes, to Mike Johnson, to Tucker FUCKING Carlson and his insane girlish giggle, to Hulk Hogan, to Elon Musk's awkward showing, to What the Hell is Dr. Phil Doing Here?, topped off by Mr. Shitshow himself, I can hardly believe what I watched and more especially, HEARD. JD Vance was there too, but he was hardly noticeable amidst the rest of the dreck.

I also read last night, on maybe The Daily Beast, that the campaign knew what everyone was going to talk about beforehand, including nixing a line where the comic calls Harris the C-word. Big of them to nix that. The point is, they tacitly APPROVED everything else, so the Trump people trying to distance themselves from the rest of it is, once again, a LIE. So, the view that Puerto Rico is an island of garbage in the middle of the ocean, or that Puerto Ricans just can't stop making babies, or that the comic and his Black friend spent some time carving a Halloween watermelon, in addition to all the fascist rhetoric all night, is EXACTLY WHO THEY ARE, and I'm very happy that more and more people are seeing it.

MUCH more than 2016 or 2020, I just CAN'T WAIT for this to be over. Seven more days seems like an eternity! But after then, or shortly after then, via THE NETWORKS, and the institutions that we still believe in, we'll finally know where we stand. On second thought, I may hang out for a day or two after the results so I can hear, "President-Elect Harris" a few times before I withdraw!

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Hope Lin Manuel Miranda will write a play about the Coup that failed. Sort of like the Coup of 1933, that should have been prosecuted, but FDR was sort of busy. I hope the cretains are held accountable for the myriad ways they are trying to destroy our world.

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