Old Man, near to where I live, a large billboard went up depicting a mother and a baby espousing pro-life. Within one day, that billboard received a big slice and pieces were torn off. There is a goddess!
Old Man, near to where I live, a large billboard went up depicting a mother and a baby espousing pro-life. Within one day, that billboard received a big slice and pieces were torn off. There is a goddess!
Here I often see a jeep fully adorned in Trump Vance signs and regalia. There is a big flagpole affixed to the rear bumper with a Let's Go Brandon flag, still there. Guess the owner is not keeping track of current events. Such a piece of GARBAGE!
Old Man, near to where I live, a large billboard went up depicting a mother and a baby espousing pro-life. Within one day, that billboard received a big slice and pieces were torn off. There is a goddess!
Here I often see a jeep fully adorned in Trump Vance signs and regalia. There is a big flagpole affixed to the rear bumper with a Let's Go Brandon flag, still there. Guess the owner is not keeping track of current events. Such a piece of GARBAGE!