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Mar 11, 2020
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You're perma-banned?!?! Oh no!

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Mar 11, 2020
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I will remember that when I am yelling at Lindsey Graham, who got me put in twitter jail for a week. LOL (and sorry about the ban)

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Absolutely. Yes. #BidenHarris2020 is the best way forward. I already voted for Biden in the Texas Primary and I would be tingling with patriotic pride to vote for Joe AND Kamala in November. I am KHive Forever and ready to get loud. Thank you, Greg, for being in Kamala Harris's corner, for outlining her qualities and experience and the reasons she is so important at this particular time in our political history, and for supporting women in politics generally. Yours is a refreshing voice in these icky times and very much appreciated. Let's go, Joe and Kamala, and take back what belongs to the American people. Sorry. Too much coffee this morning...

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I would be happy with either of those ladies. They are both badass.

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Harris had trouble running a campaign. She placed her sister in an important role the sister wasn't qualified to do. Chaos ensued. If candidates can't run their campaigns, they are not ready to run the country.

Warren has the brains, energy and expertise to be VP or President, but comes across as strident and demanding. The head bobbing and arm waving only adds to the lunacy.

Klobuchar is smart and capable but doesn't have the charisma to energize voters.

Susan Rice would be a great VP but isn't that well known.

I'll go now...CNN is on the phone, asking for my opinions on this. ☺😅😂😬

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(By Greg Olear, article)

Trump’s ties to Russia—both to Vladimir Putin’s Russian government and to Semion Mogilevich’s Russian mafiya—represent the gravest threat to our republic since the Civil War. The two candidates in the Democratic primary that Russia has bothered to aggressively go after—that is, that Moscow views as a threat to its well-being—are, you guessed it, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

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