Words fail me

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Goddamn that’s all I can say except TRUTH

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You made me laugh out loud!

Keep up the bad work. I love it.

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I love it when you go on a tear...

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Just take off the gloves, bro.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

The UN may be at the top of the go untouchable list.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Great piece except it's Harlan Crow, not Crown.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Chilling. This is the shit that saw me move from texas to Italy a month ago. It still doesn't feel far enough away. People over here just shake their heads, like Americans are a different species. I tell them it's only republican Americans. They still shake their heads.

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All true & well said as always. But how did we omit, as Republicans' top & ubiquitous value, raw, unmediated power? Power over every last human, mammal & other life that scares them, which is to say, every life-form trying to survive. Democrats seek power because we want to help everyone to live in dignity and free of privation & oppression. Republicans demand power to have those things for themselves & other white people only.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

This is so good. Just wow.

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What a great rundown, Greg. Makes a handy "pamphlet" to refer to when I'm stuck for something to say to my extended MAGA family. Not that I converse with them much. My older sister and a cousin sent me (separately) one of those emails that makes the rounds every so often. It's a "What Would You Choose" story of the parent of a disabled child (Shay) who asks the head of a kids' baseball team to let his child play on their team. They were losing badly, but the kid relents. By the 9th inning, "with two outs and the bases loaded, the potential winning run was on base and Shay was scheduled to be next at bat. At this juncture, do they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?"

So the story goes that Shay's team allows Shay to play. By this time, the winning team is in on the ruse. The pitcher makes it so Shay could hit the ball. Shay's low grounder brings the ball back to the pitcher who threw the ball over the first baseman's head, allowing Shay to make it to first base. And on it goes until Shay makes it back to home plate, winning the game for his teammates. All the while, the entire crowd was cheering for Shay.

So, here's where I become offended by this email, and my "loved ones" who sent it to me.

"We all send thousands of jokes through the e-mail without a second thought, but when it comes to sending messages about life choices, people hesitate.

"The crude, vulgar, and often obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion about decency is too often suppressed in our schools and workplaces."

WTF? This "Thoughts and Prayers" email lecture is rich. If I were to suggest that we get behind the Biden Administration's efforts to provide funding for children with disabilities, I'd be screamed at for being a socialist.

Sorry for taking up so much space to comment, but this has been bugging me for several days now.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Only 16? Surely there's 100s more, and I'll stop calling you Shirley. Greg, you are at your absolute best when you go on a rant like this. Republicans are known for their hate, power-grabbing, and othering of everyone who isn't a straight WASP, while Democrats are known for being rhetorically so far above Republican histrionics, that usually have no basis in fact, that most of the time, they seem to be a different species. It is, therefore, VERY good, that once in a while, we can show EXACTLY what we're thinking without a lot of dressing it up to be more palatable to the right -- they are, after all, proven themselves to be especially delicate when you hit them with truth bombs like this, with receipts attached. EXCELLENT column! Bookmarked, for sure.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Sadly, but that about sums it up. The mission statement of the"deplorable" maga crowd. To support & defend the above enumerated items...with their "god," guns & flapping gums.

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Made me lol. Brilliant...with one missing item...they value themselves over everyone else. This ties in with #2, assault weapons. Here's the logic:

Fascists believe they are superior to everyone else, and if everyone else can't get on board with that, then the dissenters deserve to be killed. (Think Hitler, etc)

No sane reason exists for the proliferation of assault weapons. The only explanation is narcissistic fascism. Because they are soooo special, like gods!, these pricks believe themselves impervious to being shooter victims (and they horde wealth to keep their distance from the masses), but secretly are gleeful when the rest of the nation's inferior beings are splattered.

Watch their sick fuck faces when they squeeze out their turdy thoughts and prayers in response to that day's mass shooting. Do they look compassionate?

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Thank You! Shared, with this bit:

"The easiest way to eliminate rape, obviously, is to decriminalize it.¹"

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May 9, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Random thoughts.

1. The root cause of the Republican embrace of cruelty and suffering is Number 15 and their inability, to put it delicately, "get it on". It also explains their obsessive hatred of Bill Clinton. They are so jealous of him. I believe even Republican women recoil from them. If only someone would take one for the team.

2. I fully expect that Republicans will launch a new branding initiative around Number 16 - "Freedom From Childhood". Followed by "Freedom To Marry", "Freedom To Give Forced Birth", and "Freedom To Support Gram and Gramps When We Free Old People From Intrusive Government Programs Like Social Security and Medicare!

3. "Fetalmania" ("Feel The Magic!") (Number 3). Republicans will propose legislation mandating that fetuses be armed which will create demand for "Tiny Weapons". I smell reality show juggernauts!

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