Ahhh, it’s good to envision a future where America heals and trump suffers. I think an appropriate use of Guantanamo would be as housing for his entire crime family. Is it large enough to accommodate all Congressional republicans?

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Only one way to find out...

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Actually they should minimize the space allocated for Rethugs so that they can all be crammed together in small pens for eternity and they can't avoid seeing their projected self hatred reflected back to them in the eyes of their ghoulish colleagues. A new spin on the play "No Exit". Caged babies will send thoughts and prayers.

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No, not one of those caged children should send any “thoughts and prayers” to the Republican party headed by Trump and assisted by the extreme racist Stephen Miller! Those responsible for this humanitarian crime should be caged in the same way, as a warning to any politician federal or state “that what you do to others blows back on you a hundred times as hard”.

There are so many horrible crimes this party and Trump committed during these short 4 years, besides repealing most of Obama’s executive orders, regulations etc, Republicans gave themselves a tax holiday, putting the country in another financial bind, during which they repealed aid to the poorest among us, food stamps, school lunch, Medicare cutbacks, and cutting much of AcA (Obama care) away so it can’t be self sustaining-are the ways Republicans hurt Americans-the 99% of the population who lets face it are considered “just stooges“, or “marks” for the Republican conmen to take advantage of. Just as they are now fighting to take away aid badly needed by those who lost jobs through no fault of their own during the corona pandemic, which took 160,000+ dead and millions sick across this nation because of the idiotic bungling and deliberate mishandling of this pandemic, which had Republicans just ignore, stand by and watch as the country became sicker by the hour.

Never, should anyone ever, pity, or give “thoughts and prayers“ to any of those Republican criminals, because they could care less about this country or the 99% of Americans patriots, who (God willing, and thankfully) will vote them OUT “en masse” in November, including their head a**hole Trump.

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I agree totally with everything you said here. I was being sarcastic about the children sending thoughts and prayers.

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Yes, I totally agree with your sentiments... however, sarcasm and irony don’t play well in print...It’s why I often put quotations around a phrase that would make a person roll their eyes... Trump’s current inane actions are cause to throw up your arms in exasperation and complete outrage. Trump meanwhile is following Putin’s orders, which are dangerous to all Americans, so we must continue to be wary of his words and actions, his seemingly odd words are hiding dastardly deeds and we should be prepared for anything.

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Biden wins: There will be teary-joyful, dancy-sex in the streets. As the Replacements sang: "I can't hardly wait..."

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Any Republicans remaining after the election will begin their phoney investigations to recover much of the $$ lost after the 2020 general election, just as they did during Obama’s term, investigated HRC Benghazi and email “scandals” deliberately to keep those (non) crimes uppermost in their supporters minds, and bank the cash generated by their so-called (witch hunt) investigations. None of the Republican base do any critical thinking of the lies their politicians tell, accepting their lies as truth. It’s why Trump, with his “whoppers” was able to get into the WH in 2016 and with the help of his foreign partners. We must all show up to vote this November, because it will take a landslide victory to make any headway over the Trump/Republican voter suppression, setting fire to advance balloting, jailing Black Lives Matter protesters and extreme slow downs at the post office amid other ways they and foreign partners will be cheating in this election.

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Landslide victory is what's in the cards right now. Of course, now SfB and the other corrupted Republicans are doing everything imaginable to obscure the picture and suppress votes, because they can see the writing on the wall. Impending doom for them. But they will not be able to prevent the inexorable bulldozer from plowing them into obscurity. It's a Blue Wave a comin', pure and simple. Again, not wishful thinking, I have reams of evidence and many hours reflecting and investigating, if you want to read more try this:


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I need this catharsis of which you speak. Enough is enough. I really hope to see him and his demon spawn punished for their life of grift and abuse.

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Time to end this whole presidential experiment and adopt a parliamentary system like the ones that first-world countries have. This transition should be one of the longer-term focus points of the 46th and last presidency.

Possibly 46th and next-to-last, if we're to have the satisfaction of watching a Black Woman oversee the dismantling of Barr's little "unitary executive" extremist Catholic caliphate dictatorship wet dream thingy.

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I like the two-party system. It works fine, as long as both parties are willing to compromise and actually do the job. If one party only obstructs, that's when we run into trouble. Mitch has done this, and he will pay.

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The election news is all good and getting better all the time.

Until I ran across this article, my introduction to you Greg, it had not occurred to me that the Republican Party might finally be waking up to the deep hole they’ve dug themselves.

I knew that the Republicans nationally are in deep shit. What I didn’t know is that they’re finally noticing it themselves: now that they realize it’s too late to fix it, and that they are about to be wiped out.

After every President, there is a backlash. I’ve been watching this for most of my life. We have a conservative president, and then all the people that are going crazy come out to vote, and we get a progressive president next. Then all the conservatives go nuts, having to live underneath progressive rule, and in extreme frustration they come out and vote. So then our next president is a conservative again. Back-and-forth, back-and-forth.

After 12 years of Reagan and Bush 41, Clinton. After 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush. But then something different happened. We entered a new normal. A new paradigm.

The new normal, the new paradigm, is moving away from racism and sexism.

Up until 2008, since the very beginning of the US, we always had a white boy and he was always a protestant Christian. The only person who broke that mold was JFK, a Catholic. He was killed. That was too extreme of a change apparently for American society.

(I realize perfectly well that this is an exaggeration, JFK‘s intention to shut down the mafia and the CIA probably had a lot more to do with it. But I like the wording of that last paragraph, even though the assertion might be deeply flawed)

In 2008 we had our first man with a father born in Africa. If that wasn’t hard enough for this society, he also has a Muslim name. As you know, because you’ve seen it all happen, that was a huge offense to the racist tradition of this country. The so-called “birther” attacks on Barack were the only way the hardcore racists could express their racist outrage without being abused by the rest of society and maybe getting their asses thrown in jail for hate crimes.

Just imagine being someone who is racist to the core, and having to live under that president. Just imagine Donald Trump.

Shit-for-Brains made the headlines for spearheading the birther attacks. It was never really a serious accusation. It wasn’t about Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. It was about his African father and his Muslim name. The Birthers, including Trump, were not really saying “you’re not an American.” They were really saying, “you’re a lowlife n***** with a raghead name, and we don’t want you running this country, we only want straight white men running this country.”

Donald Trump is the extreme backlash to 8 years of Barack Obama.

After two years of Donald Trump, in 2018 we saw another major return swing of the pendulum. This time, the blue backlash produced AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids. And others. Kirsten Sinema.

2018 also nearly eliminated the Republican Party in California. The “Blue Wave” being rumored happened here. Every traditional Republican Orange County congressional district went blue. Nationally, the Republican Party lost its power base in California.

U.S. Congress (from California)

After 2018, out of 53 House members and two Senators, the Republicans only have seven seats. Somebody in the House made the facetious remark: “The entire California Republican caucus can meet in a minivan.”

State Legislature (California)

Same story. The Democrats have a super majority in both houses of the state legislature.

The California Republicans are irrelevant, and they are an endangered species heading for extinction politically. Now I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of Republicans and racist/sexist/anti-gay people left in California. I am a truck driver, I talk to them all the time. But as a group, as a political force, they are now in such a precarious position, they are so few and so isolated, that politically they’re in danger of being extinguished.

For the California delegation in Congress, and for the California State Legislature, the California Republican party doesn’t matter anymore. They are powerless except as wind bags.

Since the 2018 midterm elections, I have been talking about whether or not California is a predictor for the nation. California tends to be a bellwether. Everybody knows that a lot of changes in society and in politics start in certain states, like California, and then spread to the rest of the country.

Just this summer, it has become obvious that my postulate, my theory, is becoming a reality. The 2018 Blue Wave in California, as it turns out, is predicting a “Blue Wave“ for the entire USA.

The entire country is going the way of California. The Republican Party is about to be dealt a severe blow, and it will not recover. The Republican Party, as a political institution and a political force, is dying. The GOP is being reduced to scrap.

Absolutely everything is pointing in that direction. I could give you reams and reams of evidence, but the bottom line is that the GOP is about to decline severely and not recover.

The New World is apparently going to be a Democratic Party with many different factions and groupings. Even the Green Party is becoming irrelevant, because the Democratic Party is taking on the Green agenda.

This perspective is not easy to find out there. Until recently, the only people I could find openly expressing this perspective is the partnership of James Carville and Stan Greenberg (business partners). Greenberg has a book I do not recommend for reading, although I purchased it to say thank you to him, but I do recommend looking at the cover. The cover says it all.


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Thanks for the thoughtful comment. The GOP certainly looks like a mob operation gussied up by association with our long-dead best president. There will have to be a reset.

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