Toomey’s parting f you!

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Republicans can always be counted on to do the wrong thing for the people. After W/Dickie screwed the world, it was “greed is good time” all around the town, the USA, and the world. With not an iota of shame. How did ONE craven senator crater the effort?

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Agree Jeri! Had to be a largely republican concerted effort. What the hell are they hiding; or who are they aiding ( if not themselves) to scuttle this bill? And this is in part why every time a republican president is in office, regulations go the way of the DoDo bird overall. You can pillage & loot a business, clients or a country, if you have no oversight or regulations. Wallstreet & international art dealers etc can conduct shady business, without being overly concerned about where the money came from or whos looking over their shoulder. Are there any scruples left?

On an aside, Paul Manafort & his family, were from my neck of the woods. Ct. New Britain to be specific for him. His father had a questionable reputation as well. Early on, I believe, Paul Manafort joined the Young Republican club; where so many young guys made their fortune under Reagan's administration as lobbyists for their own big lobbying firms. It's how Manafort & Stone met Trump, I believe, providing his company "services" in the early 80's.. Been aiding despots, dictators & thug governments ever since.

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Yes. Jeri. Why didn’t the Dems stop this ‘tumor.”

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Were I granted editing privileges, I would most assuredly propose it is the angels of this world who dare to rush in; for this fool clearly fears to tread.

Many thanks, Greg.

Up to Page 290.

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What Marsha Blackburn is to the Pharmaceutical Industry, Patrick Tumor is to BIG Banking and Finance. Let’s see where that scumbag heads next. The Toomeys of the world should be constantly and relentlessly targeted, hounded, until he feels as depressed as the feeling we are left with his stab at the body of government, as he slithers from the scene of the crime. He has fucked over the public. Marsha Blackburn trashed the DEA and a DEA agent to weaken federal drug laws. We need a super hit list of “bad news” senators, who have violated and continue to violate their oaths of office.

What is Toomey’s net worth. How much inside trading did he do while in office. (I know it used be legal). Please refer me to any entity that is keeping track of all the traitors in government.

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The NDAA should be relabeled the National Fuckery of the Peoples Act, it would be appropriate, since the Pentagon hasn’t been able to find the billions that have been looted from their unbalanced books. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld claim of 2.3 Trillion missing from the Pentagon on September 10th 3001 has always been troubling.

Having spent years working as a subcontractor for the DOD and multiple other government agencies I’ve always been curious about financial insight. Thanks for sharing this Greg!!

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