Hi Greg,

So many indictees. So many charges! I updated Democracy Labs relationship map of the Fulton County RICO Indictees to make it easier to track.

The map includes jail records, inmate numbers, and mugshots using the publicly available data from the Fulton County Sheriff's Office. The map is interactive and you can search by those who have surrendered so far, indicted, type of charge and a lot more. I'm going to keep the map updated with new developments.


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Thanks, Deepak. Love all of this work!

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Excellent resource!

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This is it, Greg, plain and simple. Looking forward to listening to you and Denver. Many thanks!

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Thanks, Lynell. He's great. It's a good one, I think.

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Unctuous derps, ignoble poltroons, with the confluence of the peerless in vacuous idiocy, tossed into the circus ring following the amoral vacuousness of a money laundering-concrete cartel mobster like Trump, is truly a significant moment in our country’s history.

Those who followed along with a well scripted 2 hour Trump arrest media event last night, expecting anything more were delirious!

Denver Riggleman is one of my favorites you’ve had here at Prevail and the 5-8, looking forward to the interview snd the show tonight, thanks Greg!!

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Thanks so much, Patrick, for your lovely and sesquipedalian comment! ; )

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Greg has the best words!

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Brusler la chandelle par les deux bouts…

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Greg, I don't know if I can accept the notion any longer that those who believed trump in 2016, voted for him, supported his presidency EVEN after January 6 occurred & still support him & the notion that the "deep state" somehow went after trump in an attempt to silence his "valiant crusade," are otherwise good people. We have a responsibility in a democratic republic, as the electorate, to do our due diligence to root out information/ truth ( or lies) about each candidate on a roster of candidates. A good many of our populace ( though not a majority) voted for trump in 2016 perhaps out of ignorance & a dislike of Hillary Clinton. I believe that was in part due to the hatchet job the press did on her. Her affiliation with her husband, former president, Bill Clinton; as well as that last minute about face the FBI/ Comer did on her, just prior to election. I believe there were some strategic campaign mistakes that contributed as well.

But the Comer faux pas, certainly didn't help her election, the optics or perception of her. (Albeit she still received..what 3M more of the popular vote.) This, imo, left many voters, who might have been on the fence, to toy with the notion that trump was truly going to "clean up the swamp that was D.C." It led to a misperception that he was an outsider & just maybe a businessman might be good to put in the White House. And then there was Hillary's emails ohhh ohhh ohhh and the pearl clutching. Then even after her hours of testimony in front of a very bitterly, partisan congressional committee; proving there was no evidence of culpability or wrongdoing on her part when she was Sec.of State, with respect to the attacks in 2012 in Benghazi, she was still maligned.

But again, as noted by many, a significant minority still voted for trump. Continued to believe his lies, even when so many truths had/ have come out AFTER Biden's win in the 2020 election & trump's attempted coup.

Greed, I understand. A strong drive in many in power, since the beginning of time. A powerful inclination, an aphrodisiac even, (for the likes of the Thomas'??) especially for the very wealthy who wish to continue to wield power & to maintain & to grow the wealth they have at their disposal - to buy Supreme Court justices or the decisions & votes of legislators. But a significant number of Americans aren't wealthy, nor do they wield any real power, save their vote. (How many of the white nationalist party members indicted for January 6th, even bothered to vote? Ironically, if I recall correctly, it was noted a significant portion were not even registered in some instances, or regular voters, or voted in recent presidential elections.) And the significant minority of voters ( roughly 33%) who remained true believers in trump & Fox News lies, even after Murdoch admitted in court it wasn't about the red or blue...but the green $$. I simply can't believe they are otherwise " good" people any longer. After all that has come out, if they continue to choose delusion, to ignorantly go forward & believe & even perpetuate those lies & conspiracy theories; to continue to support trump after hes been shown for the terrible man he is in courts, I have to view these folks as part of a disease, a rot on America. And whether embraced through blind ambition of riding on some political train to power, or as some politician wannabees, or like the elected maga republican bunch in congress, with their bizarre notions & continued blind support of trump, (like a festering cancer within our legislative process, ) IF a significant portion of Americans continue to embrace some of these elected officials who've shown their true colors once elected (some like Santos even prior),how can we deem a significant number of folks worthy of the idea of critical thinking; to make decisions beneficial to our nation & not their own self interests alone? ? And seeing what's happening on the state level, elected governors & legislators, in their desire for establishing various state "fiefdoms" if you will, ( states like Fl., Texas, Arkansas etc), subjecting it's electorate to a lessening of personal rights through legal means of subjugation to their personal & religious whims; contrary to the notions of our Constitution; then if we accept this, do we even earn the right to go forward as a Democratic Republic?? Too many folks seem to be unaware that by denying others their personal rights, they will ultimately open the door for others in power, by whim or decree, to deny their own rights. To deny this imo, is to believe yet another lie & these folks do a disservice to the rest of us & our nation..in my opinion. Yeah..I'm pretty disgusted & dismayed.

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Their “good guy” coat has been ripped off and they stand naked before us (even friends and family) as the deluded cult fools they really are.

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Indeed! You are spot on Jeri.

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Olberman said that Agent Orange told the idiot who booked him that he weighted 215 and had strawberry hair so that when he goes on the lam the Mounties will be looking for Carrot Top, not a fat old man with a dye job.

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I guess the cliche works. A picture’s worth... first, Latham’s because... forget it.

Second, tRump’s (Agent Orange works perfectly). The photo is pure marketing brilliance. It’s proof of the benefits for dumb directors, shitty scripts, and a stupid “reality” TV show. He learned all needed to know for Balonia-- Coiffed eyebrows, Salon-styled and colored hai. The perfect position to hides that now famous neck vagina. But let’s not forget the stylist that caught the signature sphincter lips before I did! Sorry.

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When I first saw the comic book villain mug shut, it was a beverage spitting moment. I swear I couldn't stop laughing. 🤣

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The 👿 went down to a Georgia was my first reaction to Trump’s mug shot. Lock him up!

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If I were maga I'd think it's telling when Chris Christie, who knows trump better than nearly anyone (besides family), wouldn't pardon him.

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How many 55-gallon drums of Kool Aid did he have to dispense to lead so many into this false reality?

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Actually, the ground work was laid out a long, long time before Trump ever appeared, nearly 70 years. In my experience, this is actually the fourth wave that has spread through the electorate of the USA, so my observation is that the basis of their reality - this false reality of which you speak - has long since been established and continuously has been re-supported and turned into political action. To those voters, there is nothing false despite how obvious it may seem to a critical observer outside the process of subversion and slow insurrection.

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The "Information War" is definitely it. Billions of dollars feed the continuous shock and awe of the right wing war machine. The question remains, "why are people so easily persuadable"? Maybe a global crisis of identity and meaning accounts for so many helpless victims. "I'm so confused, tell me what to think".

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From the Cheney/Bush era the term 'stovepipe' information seems to apply. That is, limited sources of information which are reinforced to the detriment of other information sources, often via 'cherry picking' those things that supplement the negative information being fed while demeaning other more lucid and accurate sources that undercut the negative info.

The Russian disinformation model has many variations and adaptations, plus, with the right mouthpieces, it is quite agile.

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Stovepiped and fire hosed.

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OMG! This is your best post! Anger! Passion! Reality! Clarity! Etc!!!

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The horror of all this * IS * that the base supports all of these things. Trump et al could be dealt with just like any other alleged criminal; arrest him, book him, fingerprint and mugshot him, and assign him a Dept of Corrections ID number. All of that has happened and has blasted into the Trumpworld ecosphere like a dirty bomb. And yet, they still deny the existence of any possibility of any crime.

I've already seen veiled death threats on public forums for ALL Democrats, and anyone else involved in prosecuting -- which they like to call "persecuting" -- Trump. I've seen the denial, the dismissal of the charges, the opinions that the charges are "Biden arresting his political opposition," and all the rest. I even saw, last night, people on X making their own mugshots in solidarity with their God King -- just random Trump supporters, i.e. cult members, taking selfies and putting their heads in front of the background of the Trump mugshot. NOTHING penetrates the Trump bubble. It's made of titanium.

So, we soldier on. This is now, as you said Greg, a war. Sarah Palin, with all new highlights, I noticed, said, for anyone watching Newsmax, that this WILL lead to civil war because how could it not? But that's not the war we're going to have, at least not with a sensible, steady Democrat in office. We have an Insurrection Act for that, so good luck to the MAGAts trying to trigger something big. But this is still a war at the ballot box, and it is frustratingly, all we have to fight it.

I'm not going to encourage people to VOTE! anymore. I'm going to encourage people to VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS! There is really no other choice to keep our Union together. There are NOT fine people on BOTH sides, only the Democratic side. The Republicans have willingly given over their party to Trump, and they should learn what that means next year. I don't know about anyone else, but I believe we need, at least, a two-party (preferably more) system in place. But one of them can't be the Trumplicans. They are angry, extreme, and care for no one but themselves, as do their leaders. MAGA must be ground down into the dust of history!

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In the age of information, ignorance is a choice 🤠

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Absolutely. I always try to say, "willfully ignorant."

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And this sure doesn’t help:

“The numbers: Teacher vacancies grew by 35% last year, according to a new analysis of 37 states and Washington, D.C. Some districts have had to rely on underqualified or virtual teachers. It’s part of a worrying trend: Teachers have been leaving the classroom at higher rates since the pandemic, and there aren’t enough candidates to replace them.”

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“Trump’s Legacy is Convincing Idiots That They Should Run for Office.” 🤡

- Matt Lewis

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