If people think Putin is not reviving his game plan from 2016 for his puppet partner and good pal Trump they are kidding themselves. If Trump wins, and it's very possible for a number of reasons[are you paying attention DEMS? Russia is not the only foreign power player in this, right BIBI?] Trump will run wild and this time know how to do it much better.

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I think Kamala has been pretty clear about gettin lazy and taking the polls at face value. She said as much yesterday in both of her huge rallies in Greensboro and Charlotte. “Hard work is good work”. It’s almost a mantra.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

I am hoping that someone with a good knowledge re “sanctions ,” will chime in here to distinguish the sanctions suggested by the felonious seditious self-admitted pussy-grabbing past perfidious potus as to China from the sanctions discussed in this article and related book…

PS: don’t want anyone to confuse Trump’s sanctions-oriented proposed’ “economic plan” with anything of merit.

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I haven’t heard Donald discuss putting sanctions on anyone. Tariffs? Yes. Sanctions? No. I think you’re asking what the difference is , so I’ll try to answer.🙃

Tariffs are a *tax* levied on the price of goods by the country receiving (importing) those goods. Sanctions are where some or all goods and services are prohibited to be sold in a specific country. Sanctions, when put on a person or business prohibits them from doing business in the country that’s imposed them. They can include seizures of property, forced divestment and travel restrictions. Like the reason all these dudes are currently stuck in Russia - and Dubai - is that they’re not allowed to travel in Europe nor across its air space.

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Did we all know, or did Putin even know, in February 2022, that this "war" he started for no reason would be his swan song? If I recall correctly, he said at the time that he was invading Ukraine to "denazify" it because the whole upper echelon of the Ukrainian government was LOADED with Nazis. Naturally, that was a "reason" that was only worthy of a Trump Playbook, well, Trump Pamphlet. I'm still of the firm belief that if Putin were gone -- and we still talk about him as if he's immortal -- the war would almost immediately stop, not unlike Netanyahu and Gaza, or Trump and MAGA. These factions are all cultlike in their devotion/fright of the Dear Leader. Once the "leaders," and I use the term loosely, are gone, their factions and wars will end because there's no real direction for them.

On a side note, Greg, I've suddenly stopped getting emails from Substack when there is a response to any of my posts. I haven't changed any settings, and my settings still say that I should be getting them, but nothing is being sent. They're not in my Spam folder, Trash, or any other place. I'll look again, but I didn't see any way to contact Substack themselves and say, "Hey! What happened?" Do you have a Creator "in" that could let them know? So annoying! I use a Gmail account, if that matters.

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Funny you should mention that. I’ve noticed the same thing and right now, I have no filters on my email account.

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Aside from helping Ukraine resist Russia, and protecting Europe and the world from Putin, it is MOST IMPORTANT to repeatedly show that aggressors will not be allowed to win.

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A ramble on a stormy Friday the 13th.

Sanctions. Against Iran they unfortunately targeted the people, denying them essentials like medicine while the military may lack parts for planes, the likes of the obvious, North Korea and less obvious Turkey fill in the gaps. The Ayatollah doesn't give a damn about the everyday person, won't source things like medicine. If sanctions' intent is to stir unrest to facilitate regime change, a non starter. Pollock's "Which Path to Persia" is a good study of effectively seven options to deal with countries in the grip of tyrannical leaders. Targeting Oligarchs spares everyday citizens the pain of sanctions but has proven as useless in effecting regime change, getting Putin to see the error of his ways. Is not ultimately the goal to remove the asshole at the top, hoping the successor will be a more agreeable leader? Hasn't worked in Venezuela. There the people said out, the dictator said no thanks.

At best foreign leaders seem to always settle on a combination sanctions and containment strategy, keep the problem child in their playpen. The citizens of these countries will suffer either due to sanctions and/or the abusive behavior of their fearless leader. Military options remain a non starter unless and until the numbskull leading Russia fires the first shot that matters enough to other leaders. We may be at an inflection point as Biden and Starmer meet to consider allowing NATO weapons to attack deep inside Russia, effectively calling Putin's bluff. The questions, (1) has the West finally accepted that sanctions never have and never will work and (2) have Putin's war crimes reached the point of Srebrenica genocide, validating the use of NATO agreed force inside Russia and (3) will we finally determine if Putin is a cowardice bully or a rogue madman who will stop at nothing. Time will tell.

For me the saga unfolding in the Eastern Europe makes the Harris v 45 election look like child's play as events in Ukraine can focus all eyes there, away from our election and the Middle East debacle. Bigger fear, if Ukraine/Russia explodes can that tip favor to the unhinged, cognitive lacking degenerate?

Oh, the times we live in! Happy 13th to all.

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