Thank you for your words on this historic day. Glad I woke early and found this right away. Onward!

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Well said.

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I’ve said it before and I do not mind saying it again, that a previous generation of great Americans SIMULTANEOUSLY defeated both the Nazis and the Japanese Empire so it is not even an option for us to despair at the challenges presented to us in our era. If I am taken by this virus in exercising my right to vote in November then by God so be it!

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We need this reminder drilled into our heads daily; I'm a glass-half-full gal myself and do have faith that we'll prevail. Today's Supreme Court hearings should be the start, but Trump PTSD leaves me feeling feel like I have to italicize should...

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This is so good. Thank you.

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This is possibly my favorite piece by you. It packs the punch we all need. A Moonstruck - " Snap out of it "

As a wise little fellow has said before.." It is their audacity that has made it hard to grasp " ...Now that the ' grasping ' part is over...

I will forward this on to others. This article is like the medicine we need. Personally - I don't need a spoonful of sugar. I'll take this medicine straight.

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Thank you Greg for speaking the truth and laying out the facts on this historic day and over the past 3 years ("longtime listener, first time caller" Lol). The first half is utterly depressing when you put it all together, and it's hard to watch my conservative friends gloat about how their "Chosen One" has been put here to save America, showing him unconditional loyalty (and blind ignorance to the facts while embracing all the non-stop Loony Tunes conspiracy theories, all while locked safely into their echo chambers)...but it's reassuring to see that so many Americans are rising up to save their country, its institutions and the rule of law. I'm so proud, as Joe Biden pointed out, to see the true spirit of America and watching people come together to not only help each other through this pandemic but to see Dems, independents, former Republicans (like myself) come together as Americans to defeat this attack on our country. It's a steep ditch for us to climb out of but we're on our way! November cannot get here fast enough.

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Thank you for your insights and your courage.

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Thank you. I needed this. It is a perfect balance between acknowledging the extent of corruption and evil we're facing yet refusing to give our collective or individual power away and giving up hope.

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This entire writing had me on the edge of my seat.

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As I'm certain you will hear many times, I really needed to read this. The last week has been awful, the Flynn fiasco, Obamagate and over 85,000 deaths from COVID19. Even though I know there is no bottom to the depths trump will slither to, even though I know getting to Nov and then Jan will be fucking brutal, I'm still astonished at the vile mendacity of these people. What could possibly be worth selling out your country, money? I will never understand them, but I will despise them to the day I die. They must be punished, we must build guardrails that can sustain affronts to the rule of law and democratic norms, we must clean out the unqualified from the judiciary. We can never allow this to happen again.

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I want to add one more thing, the first time I was in Twitmo was because I tweeted to Ann Coulter that she's a vile creature, it was for 2 weeks!

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I know I'm late to the comments section but this is a great post and I want to say thanks and also point out that Sarah Kendzior (she and Andrea Chalupa do the Gaslit Nation podcast) is not defeatist just grim and realistic. She offers advice on keeping one's head until Trump crime family can be driven out.

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This essay is everything.

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'Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News has for much of the last four years been a Trumpist propaganda network—no surprise, given that Murdoch and Trump were both Roy Cohn protégés going back decades.'(article: Greg Olear PREVAIL)

September 21, 2023 Rupert Murdoch retires

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