It was like you were debating with Putin’s Press Secretary. The Kremlin infection runs wide and deep.

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It's disgraceful. And completely tone-deaf, as usual.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I couldn’t understand why Henry Kissinger, a Jewish man who is 99 years old, thus an adult during WW2, & who saw how appeasement worked with Hitler, could think that appeasement would stop Putin. I wondered if he was senile. All I could think of was Neville Chamberlain’s infamous words - “Peace for our time” - and how wrong that was. Surely we should have learned from the horrors that followed the Munich Agreement that one has to stand up to a bully. I’m glad it’s President Biden & not President Trump, because that would be the end of America.

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Kissinger is co-opted -- as the Israelis are

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Thanks, Jean. Kissinger will be around until he walks into direct sunlight or Van Helsing comes with a wooden stake. And he is, and always has been, a malefic influence on the world. His affection for Putin is nauseating. Remember it was Kissinger who provided Kushner with entree into that world.

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Kissinger never met a power player whose ass he wouldn't lick.

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Fame and power went to Kissinger's head. Remember his statement? "The strongest aphrodisiac is power." As my dead brother would say, "He got ate up with the dumbass." Now that is senility!

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Do vampires get senile?

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"... about a week longer than the duration of the NBA playoffs ..."

Hammer, meet nail.

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This cosmopolitan boredom is puerile and toxic. On to the new new thing. Yawn. Will someone, anyone slap NYT hard and say, "Grow the fuck up!"

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I'm not even sure what the point of publishing that was. To soften us up to bail? Gross.

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Fuck. The New York Times is anything but the gray lady. The New York Times is stuck in middle school playing mean girl. It's been stuck there since those hillbillies from Arkansas hit town.

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Love Freedom? Defeat Putin, by whatever means necessary. It's just that simple and I'm sure we agree

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Just don't send those Texan boys with the shiny badges and white hats😉

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If we did send em, whose side would they fight for? But getting those Texans tf outta *here* would be worth every penny to ship em, regardless! 😅

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Thanks for your clarity, Greg.

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Inflation is nothing now. We’ve got about five weeks to end Russian blockades in the Sea of Azov before massive famine begins to erode all world currency. Russia is at war with western stability, such as it is, so freeing Ukraine cannot be the end game here. We must occupy Russia and replace its government if we are going to survive the 21st century. We will split Siberia with China, I guess, just as we split Germany in the last war, and the lesson of Germany is the pattern that the war with Russia will follow. The gray ladies of the Times editorial board SHOULD be whining and shaking, looking for the exits, preaching pusillanimous pablum on Putin. Indeed, so should we all be shaky. But we are already at war on a massive scale. No administrative police action on our part, as we did in Vietnam, will be effective. This nation already has the grip of Genghis Khan at our throat.

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Exactly: we ARE at war. These fuckers attacked us in 2016, and most of the country has not to realize it. We have to defeat them. This is our fight, too. Fortunately, Biden seems to get it. Thank god.

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That's because Biden has been connecting dots since WW II. That's the power of your elders, you narcissistic adolescents of the mainstream media. Enough with the senility shit! The man has a sharpness of vision you can only hope to ever achieve. Enough with your puerile middle school cliquish crap!

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The senility bit is projection, because man woman camera TV.

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Greg wins his own thread! OMG! Snort, cackle, laugh, titter, tee-hee, squeal, gasp, gag, choke, wheeze, hoot, hee-hee, ho-ho, ha-ha, guffaw, holler, howl, spit, lol, giggle, chortle, cough, lol, lulz, roflmao, double over, wet my pants.

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Maybe the New York Times could do an expose` on how Putin, through Russia, stole the NRA, infiltrated social media, attacked the United States in 2016 and won the election for tRump, and continues to win in every school massacre.

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Dream on, Mary Pat. NYT doesn't have the attention span. It's not the new new thing. Sigh. It's going to take people like Greg, LB, and Jim Stewartson.

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And, I submit, Heather Cox Richardson.

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Oh yes. Heather Cox Richardson and Ruth Ben-Ghiat. I went cold turkey off TV 15 years ago. It's brain smack.

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After 911 I was in such shock, I wanted desperately to know why the rest of the world hated us so much. I wasn't satisfied with W's explanation that they hate us for our freedom. I started reading maniacally, as is my wont. By chance, I picked up Chalmers Johnson's Blowback and it changed my life. No more TV for me. It was all happy horseshit.

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Co-sign. She's the greatest.

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Precisely....and so beautifully stated that the beauty almost blinds me to the horror you expose here. The unimaginable...it's happening NOW.

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Wheeeee! It's Apocalypse Eve! It's going to be better than Christmas.

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At least we won't have to buy anything or wrap anything or sing about flying reindeer.

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Me loves singing about flying reindeer.

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No appeasement with this genocidal criminal! I feel all of the anger and disgust you expressed. Great rebuttal, Greg, and much appreciated.

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Thanks. It really is infuriating.

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Decrepit old fools who've been connecting dots for eight decades aren't stylish enough for you, you cosmopolitan style nazis? Fuck you in every orifice! As the Marines used to say, "Do not make Ms. Dymond say the f-word!"

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While Putin distracts the US and Europe the Chinese continues Shi in its goal of Tianxia.

Time to drone Vladimir.

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Are we sure he's alive? Just kidding. I think.

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One of your finest pieces and all of your pieces are exceedingly fine. It should be a Times Op-Ed.

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I tweeted this one to the NYT with Greg's comment about reading their own reporting - which I thought was spot on!

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Why, thank you!

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Agree there!

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Three observations about this piece from the snobs at the NYT: 1) As you noted, gaslighting (and elitist gaslighting at its best; 2) undermining our president, our country, NATO, and our military expertise; 3) undermining their own reporters by pandering to readers who want different juice with their breakfast.

Also, Ukraine celebrated Kyiv Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of May, a holiday that honors over 1500 years of that city's existence. Why on earth would the NYT think abandoning Ukraine or relinquishing its land would be a GOOD thing? That country and that city are ancient and NYC is a mere babe in comparison...much less its huffy little "Editorial Board." Did any of those people study history?

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"...pandering to readers who want different juice with their breakfast...." Ellen Massey wins the thread!

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I love you to bits, Ellen.

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It's the condescending tone, I think, that is the worst part. God, I hate that.

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Excellent, logical evisceration of the NYT Editorial Board.

Even if the moral case for backing Ukraine no matter what it requires wasn't so strong, it's clearly in the national security interest of the U.S. to finally stop Putin. Does the NYT not recognize the extraordinary damage he's done to our country, damage that still ripples across the land daily? This just in: Putin is our sworn enemy who's intent on punishing the U.S. and crippling democracy. He's an evil threat to humanity and world stability. Time to end him.

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At this point what the NYT is doing is a choice.

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So, Donald Trump was right about one thing, but not how he thought he was. The New York Times IS failing, in so many ways (...so many ways...believe me!). I dropped their subscription over a year ago, and for me, the Paper of Record now is The Washington Post.

There really isn't any issue NYT doesn't both-sides, even now. What infuriates me the most about their editorial is the idea that somehow Ukraine should "compromise" with Russia and give up Crimea or other parts of their country. What the hell is that? Russia came in and TOOK it, knowing that Ukraine, at the time, was no match for them. A classic example of bullying. Why does the NYT think that Ukraine should negotiate land-grabs like this at all? Do they too believe as psycho Putin does, that Ukraine is just Russian territory by a different name? It's ridiculous and dangerous to let Putin continue this onslaught, his nukes notwithstanding. The ONLY message to Putin should be to "get the hell out of Ukraine, take your raping, looting murderers with you, and then stand back and stand by for your war criminal trial. The Hague is, right now, preparing a lovely cell for you." Anything else is appeasement. Biden is doing everything right by Ukraine, as is Zelenskyy.

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WaPo here as well, Steve. I've been boycotting NYT since their Whitewater fetish. The damage they have done to our country is incalculable.

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Oh yes, Sharon! They've had a Clinton fetish since the early 90s, topped off with all the bullshit stories about Hillary's emails.

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And they've been running their greatest Hillary hits on Democratic women ever since. They're working furiously on Nancy, Elizabeth, AOC, and Kamala. But nothing will ever top the spaying of Hillary Rodham Clinton. I DID NOT want Hillary to run in 2016. Regardless of how unfair, the cold, hard truth is that the Hillary Rodham Clinton brand has been thoroughly and forever trashed, and the cool kidz and mean girlz of the New York Times played a big role.

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We have not had time to properly process just what we lost, as a nation, by NOT having her as president for at least four years. I think she would have been the best president since FDR. She was by far the most qualified candidate we've had. And she LIVED THERE for eight years. She would have hit the ground running. It still makes me furious. All these Americans hating on the one human who would have made their lives better.

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Yes! All of it!

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Obama is charming, brilliant, and adorable, but he jumped the line. I cannot help but be resentful since it's the story of my own life.

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Amen, Steve!

WaPo has been better for a long time, I think, especially the op-eds. But I worry that the best paper is owned by a gajillionaire with a hard-on for space exploration.

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Incoming, incoming.

"Standby, Standby "

Grand Moff Tarkin

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Boy Howdy, thanks, Greg! Is appropriate to own these particular libs? I'll getta rope.

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OMG! Snort, cackle, laugh, titter, tee-hee, squeal, gasp, gag, choke, wheeze, hoot, hee-hee, ho-ho, ha-ha, guffaw, holler, howl, spit, lol, giggle, chortle, cough, lol, lulz, roflmao, double over, wet my pants.

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Uh, may I quote you on that, Sharon? 😵‍💫

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Go for it. It's something I did ages ago because LOL, LULZ, emojis make me cranky. Not a hard thing to do by the way.

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