Governing is complicated. Thank God for the fifth column.

I had to find the fifth column as dedicated civil servants, who doggedly perform their duties in accordance with the law and resist unlawful orders.

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Remember: ...

The purpose of Corporate Media today is to MAKE MONEY for the already super-rich, and to entrench their power.

Close political races make by far the most profit... so the corporate media ARTIFICIALLY MAKE THE RACES CLOSE, unethically.

Truth rarely makes a profit.

Before the end of the Fairness Doctrine, news departments competed on accuracy and honour, since none of them made money on news.

The Media today are destroying the planet just as surely as Big Oil, for outrageous, unethical greed


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Hi. Appreciate your comment. How do you know this. Personal observations? Inside info?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

US law requires, as a fiduciary responsibility, that corporate directors maximise shareholder value. The super-rich have distorted our laws to serve their mental illness of greed


The doctrine excuses egregious corporate action as required for efficiency. It prohibits the corporation from forgoing even a dime of shareholder wealth to benefit the environment, charities, or the corporation’s other stakeholders.

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Don't disparage mental illness by labeling them as such. They are pure evil, and brandish cruelty with fervor.

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The second, third and fourth columns are also very important. With all its imperfections, I think our system is pretty damn good. One man – one idiot like Donald Trump can try to change everything but will fail Billserle.com

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I bet they have the original copy but want official copies from the Archives in order to avoid prosecution for using it.

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The damage to our National Security is already done. Sources and methods are completely compromised

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Alison Gill (MuellerSheWrote) interviewed Lev Parnas for this morning’s Daily Beans podcast and it’s excellent! He gets into stuff that got left on the cutting room floor when they made “From Russia with Lev”. Check it out if you haven’t.

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Trapper Keepers! Love that reference as the mom of three boys who grew up in the 70s and 80s!

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FBI should look in Bedminster or Dump Tower, perhaps even under the first tee with Ivana. If it's not there, check Patel's or Meadow's properties. And when it is found, charge the possessor with treason, send them to prison without bail until trial.

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Thank you, Greg. Surely these tools want to whitewash and misquote any evidence they find that would be detrimental to Trump.

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"Last week, the Court ruled against Solomon, citing 'numerous problems with the plaintiff’s case,'" - when I first read this I thought I saw "humorous" problems instead of numerous.

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When this national nightmare is finally over and history looks back on what really happened, I think you’ll have written a good bit of it.

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I bet the original is buried with Ivanna or nearby. This whole story could be another special by Rachel Maddow to show the depth and breath of the corruption in trump's time in the White House. Again rich oligarchs, anti democracy authoritarian leaders, mafia gophers, Russian agents and the cowardly spineless money driven republicans in this country. And not to mention Fox News and their ilk, that are soulless, on the take from trump and the republicans via Putin. It’s all ….I don’t have quite the word for it.

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Maybe Mark Twain's comment about another cretin would apply to the chump crowd. Regarding William Andrews Clark of Santa Barbara, CA. "Clark, Twain wrote, "is as rotten a human being as can be found anywhere under the flag; he is a shame to the American nation, and no one has helped to send him to the Senate who did not know that his proper place was the penitentiary, with a ball and chain on his legs." Just substitute whatever name of any of these bastards, and substitute whatever applies instead of "Senate" and Twain's comment fits to a tee. The whole barrel is rotten to every last core.

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