deletedNov 16, 2021Liked by Greg Olear
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Yes, but the purpose of THAT is to motivate DOJ to do something, IMO. Keep the story alive.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

My hope is that all the indictments are in the works. Bannon’s “threat” is laughable because IF the R’s regain the House, their only focus will be to sow as much chaos as possible (“nothing to see here”), no matter who is serving prison time.

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We all hope that. It may well be the case. Meantime, we are losing the narrative war. Badly.

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Yes, but who is dictating that narrative? Who is creating that "reality"? My disillusion with the media, who I used to depend on for the truth, is growing day by day. I find refuge in my Substack subscriptions. Your writing is excellent, intelligent, extremely well informed and I truly appreciate all of the information you put forth.

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

We won’t heal until he wakes up, indicted and convicted, in the dementia ward of a penitentiary far far away. Maybe Utah.

They’ll tell him he’s the King of Club Fed. He will believe them. I personally will fashion the crown of thorns. He should not chew on them. But he might.

The entire family and his innermost circle should be prosecuted for criminal abuse and neglect of an elderly patient.

That’s what it takes, my brothers and sisters. Anything less defies the rule of law and casts doubts on our very structure and integrity. We doubt our core.

And we’ll continue to wince in pain.

Behold the energy of the blood moon. And use that sucker to propel Good. It’s our job as citizens. Participation is all.

That ends my GregTalk. As you were…

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Agreed. If they go free, rule of law becomes a joke.

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I agree also. Everyone needs to be held accountable - that is the key to preserving our Democracy. But if T goes down, how many more are waiting to step into his place? It's not necessarily about him - he's just the flavor of the day. They are all cowards but holding the first wave accountable could make the next one's think twice about how far they are willing to go.

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Nine times out of ten it's true that when a leader goes down, there is someone to step up and take his place. I don't believe this true re Trump. He is a malignant narcissist who thrives on ANY attention and his people are all too willing to give it to him. When he goes, (and fuckers like this tend to live FOREVER, but he will eventually GO) his MAGA goes with him. As he's all but professed himself to be the State, he IS MAGA. Anyone following would be a poor substitute for his cult. They can yell and scream about the deep state, crappy politicians, their own victimhood, etc., etc., but I think that soon enough, Trump's MAGA Nation would be insulted by such a figure trying to "replace" their Savior. No one could ever measure up to the level of hatemongering that is Trump.

Don, Jr. might try it, but his cult would be different: younger, dumber, and more violent to get what they want. I don't see ANY of the acolytes stepping up, Jim Jordan? HA! Kevin McCarthy? Too stupid and self-involved. Matt Gaetz? WAY too stupid and like Jeffrey Epstein, "likes them on the younger side." Devin Nunez is too busy consorting with cows. There's nobody. It's been said that the Antichrist will rise from politics -- or maybe that was just in "The Omen" -- but he's been there and done that. He'll probably try again in 2024, if he lives long enough. Personally, I expected the Antichrist to be a little more intelligent, suave, and good-looking, but I guess we get what we get. No one will ever be able to Antichrist quite like Trump. Poor substitutes, all.

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Please, you give him and his cult WAY too much credit. Have you seen the flags they fly with his face on "Rambo's" body? They are all in fantasy land and will follow whoever fits the image they have created in their heads. He's a Con-Man plain and simple and has found his perfect target audience to con.

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They call themselves "conservatives." Conservatives of what exactly?

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A good reason to throw the whole Law Book at donnie -- whack him upside his head with it into next week. They'll get that drift, dumb as posts but still

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Nov 16, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

I am as frustrated as anyone, including Greg, who wants to see justice done to the trump cabal.

This is an excellent piece, spot on.

The ones who are getting away with everything is as “guilty as sin”as the saying goes.

Many Americans have died from the virus that tfg has left unchecked for many months during his one term. And there have been many awful happenings to Americans who have done nothing wrong, unlike this grifter, liar, mobster, and his supplicants, and who continue to walk free, infuriates me to no end.

I sometimes look to the heaven and wonder, not when will Garland and the Biden administration do anything, but when will God do something to right the wrongs of these people.

When will, as Diego Maradona, Soccer Player said, “the hand of God” get American out of what is a slow death march to an authoritarian country? When will there be retribution, yes, retribution, be handed down to hoodlum tfg and… for his/their part in the killing of Mr. Khashoggi?

The absence of punishment for these people has emboldened the radical right to keep going downhill to authoritarian. Do they even know what they are getting into, and what they will put other Americans through? And do they care? I don’t think so. The caul of revenge covering their eyes, is thick so they will continue down that road until death of America and Americans, will they part, if ever.

Eventually, something has to give. Nothing lasts forever.

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I know exactly what you mean. These are the days that try our faith -- in justice, in human decency, in a just and benevolent god. I DO have faith is us, in the goodness of the American people. I know that, once the threat is realized, it will be taken care of in short order. And the AG has the power to do that.

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Another view---

This from Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum

“If Americans don’t help to hold murderous regimes to account, those regimes will retain their sense of impunity.”

“…modern autocracies are supported by “sophisticated networks composed of kleptocratic financial structures, security services … and professional propagandists.” Americans are not blameless: Some U.S. businesses and celebrities—Oliver Stone and Nicki Minaj, Hollywood and the NBA—have profited from this autocratic largesse.”

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The established mechanisms for iron-clad investigation and prosecution take time; time that doesn't fit into 2 and 4 year election cycles. The congressional Jan 6 investigations can produce the facts that will convince most people, other than the 30% of republicans who favor violence for political change, that trumpist maga-folk are blatantly anti-democracy and are aiming for autocratic, single party rule. This seems it would start paradigm shift among the rest of the USA but again, it doesn't address Nov. 2022 elections of 2024. MAGA has mass media wrapped around it finger, continually controlling the narrative.

IMO, it's vitally important that the Manhattan AG's office, and various state attorneys general and Fed DOJ SDNY get their investigations done and indictments issued for as many actors involved in Trump's criminal activities as can be processed effectively, ASAP. The maga crowd has plenty of money to gum up the works in the courts before election days. It seems at least indictments need to be published ASAP to allow public discussion prior to the next primaries. The pressure on AGs is to make sure no critical blunders like US AG Jeffrey Holder's DOJ committed with prosecutions of the Bundys out West. They were failed prosecutions of obvious political crimes that only gave more fuel to the fire of whacko-ism.

Secondarily, I think public figures who care about democracy need to step up to help generate the type of mass consciousness that propelled the anti-war movement in the late sixties to mid-seventies. Maybe succinct billboards can be put up around Nashville to help spark activism in the music industry to help make it happen. People who know this industry know what can be done. Does anyone have verifiable insight into whether or not anything like this is bubbling through the music industry?

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The big question is "when will Garland grow a pair?" Congress can't do it for obvious reasons. Without the Executive Branch stepping up, we are, well, shit outta' luck.

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"This is a nest of vipers, hellbent on destroying our democracy. Indictments are the mongoose. Unleash them."

How about adding a few more to the list: MTG, Boebert, Gosar, Gaetz, Jordan, Hawley, McConnell, etc.

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I agree with you Greg. All the indictments in the world mean nothing if they are not enforced. Narrative matters. I believe there are good people working furiously to set things right. But moving at a snails pace is not beneficial to narrative, especially since we are almost upon the 2022 election cycle and all of this will be significant as we head into campaign season. Please never stop writing - keep putting your words out. Your posts, books and articles help to counter the narrative! Thank you for your hard work :)

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Bannon. I've run out of expletives and curses about Bannon. He's another one that came from the Breitbart swamp to try and foist his worldview on the rest of us -- another one of those, "take MY country back!" people. His perp walk yesterday, such that it was, is another example of his rather childish view of the world. "Listen to the signal, not the noise." Well, what the fuck does that mean? Anything? I don't think so. It's Bannon war cosplay, like his "War Room," or promises to "take down the Biden regime." How ridiculous is it to be talking about taking down the Biden "regime" like Uncle Joe is Kim Jung Un?

The pieces of his January 5th podcast that I've heard are damning for him. I heard some pundit, somewhere try to make the case that maybe Bannon was just talking about his wish list for January 6th. That's not what I heard. I heard one of the planners, if not one of the financers, talking up the "Big Day" as if he couldn't WAIT to see the violence and destruction of the administrative state, oh!, and the Capitol, for good measure. I surely hope that before his liver fails, he's made to pay SOME price for that. Liver failure would be satisfactory, but prison time would be better!

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Joe would do well to channel Uncle Joe (the Soviet Premier) rather than Grandpa Simpson (cartoon character)

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The Dems narrative should be loud and clear: “Trump and Company are MURDERERS”. Reiterate the amount of hundreds of thousands who have died and are still dying due to false information spewed by their states representatives. Pardon my vernacular, but fuck mainstream and social media for not screaming these important deadly issues enough!

I got kicked off of Twitter for apparently saying not so nice things about TFG and his family but it took them years to finally remove him. Justice is questionable now in our country. Just look at our Supremes who now govern the most important seats in our nation. Dangerous and pathetic…

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Damned straight, Greg, and tysvm 4 saying it, loud & clear

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It took NY 30 years to get Gotti, but he died in a prison hospital. Trusting in NY's AG James beating the Feds; she's tougher than Garland.

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They always seem to get them on their last leg, their deathbed, etc. Weinstein, Robert Durst, Gotti

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Greg Sargent has a good opinion piece in WaPo addressing this. What the magagoons are doing is sedition. Mass media is facilitating retention of most of the public in cognitive dissonance mode = keeps benefiting the rads. It seems it's time we petition elected officials to start a congressional commission to establish first, all of the know facts, investigate to nail the ringleaders at all levels in media and politics.

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