I derive great comfort from the fact that these Republican eunuchs are joyless, terrified, paranoid and incapable of enjoying their "lives". Now the trick is to make sure they can't drag us down with them. It's tricky but doable. With me it's always having to remember to stop giving them my power.
As bad as the Republicans are, and I believe they are the worst, I have grave doubts that either Pelosi or Biden are up to holding them accountable. Pelosi dragged her feet on impeachment for months and then, when she finally relented, limited the scope. Biden has been quoted multiple times talking about working across the aisle as if we can work in any way with people who have enabled the debacle that has befallen our American Presidency. I mean seriously?! They’ve not only looked the other way but actively worked to cover up and play interference for Trump and refused to hear any witnesses in the impeachment trial! There is NO working with any of them. Period. I truly do not see any way out of this situation that does not eventually involve violence. The right has gotten their side so frothing at the mouth for it, they’ll accept no less.
I will be the first one to shift gears and push for justice from the Dems, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt until they actually win the WH and the Senate.
Although your willingness to grant the benefit of the doubt is commendable, I would counter with a quote from Maya Angelou, ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time’ and I’ll also add this from Albert Einstein ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.‘
If Biden picks the right Vice President candidate, there’s no reason to think that Democrats won’t hold Republicans accountable for the treasonous acts they and Trump are responsible for during the past 4-8 years, they have been aiding and abetting Trump since 2015 during primaries.
I’m saying 8 years, because many Republicans are responsible for corruption and other “Illegal shenanigans” prior to Trump‘s arrival on the scene, making it easy for him and foreign partners to take the GOP over.
Although there are other possible candidates, I believe that Kamala Harris is the right one. Primarily because she’s been on the inside of every corrupt action Trump, GOP and their foreign partners have played and has a good sense on where Trump/GOP are going to take USA in future. It’s not good, in fact it will end Democracy as we know it, into a autocracy or even an extreme hands off “tea party approach” where all govt institutions are dismantled and the poor are left to their own devices. Imagine the children in cages times millions of lives.
This is America, we became a Democracy with the promise to take care of the citizens, it’s right in the constitution, as ironclad as the founders could make it, while trying to imagine the future and the possibility of a corrupt person like Trump and the current members of the GOP set to destroy it all.
She knows the senators, she knows what their pet projects are for their individual states, she’s experienced in the law, especially the problems within the relationship between states and federal, due to her experience as AG of California. Since she also ran as nominee she understands what the public want as well. Not just rule of law, but healthcare, schooling, the extreme, lifelong problems of human rights problems with LGBTQ, religious sects, and other minorities and as a black woman has experienced it. She is pragmatic, so will work well with Joe Biden, and has a working relationship with all other senators, her fellow democrats in Congress and has worked closely with Nancy Pelosi.
Kamala. Given Biden's advanced age and the pandemic going on, the VP has to be someone who can take over as POTUS without a hitch, and she's the real deal. I trust her with the keys to the car.
Not just any VP, in particular Kamala Harris. See all my reasons above. BTW the VP is an extra vote to break up a stalemate in Senate but also works to bring consensus with his or her party members in Congress and Senate. Kamala Harris has already worked closely with Nancy Pelosi, during various hearings, Trump impeachment. Democrats in the house shared common information with Nadler and Schiff within intelligence committees. The last few years has been a time when every Democratic Senator and Congressperson worked together to bring the information about Trump’s corruption to the public. We need that information and more to make an informed choice at the ballot box.
I believe the lust for reactionary and plutocratic power is one reason for GOP treason in the Senate. The other is their rank cowardice fearing Dump tweet attacking them and having his mutant hoard vote them out in the primaries. After all, being a career politician is a cushy job if you can stay in office. Treason against our country is just a byproduct for accomplishing their overarching goals.
I don't think the Repugs in the Senate like or care about DJT but he's their vehicle for job security and ideological success. Why care about America if you're getting what you've always wanted?
They say there's no honor among thieves.There's definitely no honor from these enemies stealing our country before our very eyes. Let's bring them to heel this November and take back our country.
Those are such banal reasons to support an enemy POTUS that I almost hope it's something more sinister. It's almost worse if they really ARE afraid of some tweets. What sad, pathetic people.
Many of the Republicans are also compromised like Trump by Russian “kompromat” When GRU hacked into DNC they also hacked into RNC; we know that they released much of DNC email, after changing many of the email chains to look like a conspiracy, or sinister doings; but they held onto the RNC email. There must have been plenty of dirt in the email, because you haven’t heard a peep from any Republicans about Trumps connections with Russians, China and/or the Saudis. Look how Lindsay Graham has behaved since playing golf one Sunday with Trump. It’s mind boggling that Republicans used their email to talk about things that can be considered by foreign power as kompromat or bad enough that they can blackmail Republicans into compliance. Then there’s the matter of Republicans going to Russia July 4th weekend for “instruction” just what are they doing in Russia on Independence Day weekend? It’s a slap in the face Putin has dealt USA with everything he’s done since putting Trump behind the resolute desk.
We must vote for Democrats in house, senate, and state governments, because who knows what plans the Republicans have if they keep the senate and White House. This is as deadly as Game of Thrones, American style.
I don’t think GOP are afraid of Trump the man, per se, but all of them are cautious to keep their grumbles out of his hearing because of his loose lips, volatile nature and the surety that Trump will spill the kompromat Putin is holding over their heads, if enraged enough. Trump is a loose canon he can’t be trusted to keep such info from the person he wants to control, a good example of this is Lindsay Graham, who golfed with Trump one Sunday, was a Trump supporter ever since, despite what he said formerly. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that Trump has power over them via the scandals he’s holding over them.
Thanks, William. That one is in the works, because I have some ideas...
I derive great comfort from the fact that these Republican eunuchs are joyless, terrified, paranoid and incapable of enjoying their "lives". Now the trick is to make sure they can't drag us down with them. It's tricky but doable. With me it's always having to remember to stop giving them my power.
It would help if people collectively knew how rotten they were, and publicly shamed them everywhere they went forever. They deserve it.
As bad as the Republicans are, and I believe they are the worst, I have grave doubts that either Pelosi or Biden are up to holding them accountable. Pelosi dragged her feet on impeachment for months and then, when she finally relented, limited the scope. Biden has been quoted multiple times talking about working across the aisle as if we can work in any way with people who have enabled the debacle that has befallen our American Presidency. I mean seriously?! They’ve not only looked the other way but actively worked to cover up and play interference for Trump and refused to hear any witnesses in the impeachment trial! There is NO working with any of them. Period. I truly do not see any way out of this situation that does not eventually involve violence. The right has gotten their side so frothing at the mouth for it, they’ll accept no less.
I will be the first one to shift gears and push for justice from the Dems, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt until they actually win the WH and the Senate.
Although your willingness to grant the benefit of the doubt is commendable, I would counter with a quote from Maya Angelou, ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time’ and I’ll also add this from Albert Einstein ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.‘
If Biden picks the right Vice President candidate, there’s no reason to think that Democrats won’t hold Republicans accountable for the treasonous acts they and Trump are responsible for during the past 4-8 years, they have been aiding and abetting Trump since 2015 during primaries.
I’m saying 8 years, because many Republicans are responsible for corruption and other “Illegal shenanigans” prior to Trump‘s arrival on the scene, making it easy for him and foreign partners to take the GOP over.
Although there are other possible candidates, I believe that Kamala Harris is the right one. Primarily because she’s been on the inside of every corrupt action Trump, GOP and their foreign partners have played and has a good sense on where Trump/GOP are going to take USA in future. It’s not good, in fact it will end Democracy as we know it, into a autocracy or even an extreme hands off “tea party approach” where all govt institutions are dismantled and the poor are left to their own devices. Imagine the children in cages times millions of lives.
This is America, we became a Democracy with the promise to take care of the citizens, it’s right in the constitution, as ironclad as the founders could make it, while trying to imagine the future and the possibility of a corrupt person like Trump and the current members of the GOP set to destroy it all.
She knows the senators, she knows what their pet projects are for their individual states, she’s experienced in the law, especially the problems within the relationship between states and federal, due to her experience as AG of California. Since she also ran as nominee she understands what the public want as well. Not just rule of law, but healthcare, schooling, the extreme, lifelong problems of human rights problems with LGBTQ, religious sects, and other minorities and as a black woman has experienced it. She is pragmatic, so will work well with Joe Biden, and has a working relationship with all other senators, her fellow democrats in Congress and has worked closely with Nancy Pelosi.
Kamala. Given Biden's advanced age and the pandemic going on, the VP has to be someone who can take over as POTUS without a hitch, and she's the real deal. I trust her with the keys to the car.
Why do you think a VP will determine if Dems hold Republicans responsible? Speaker of the House is responsible for bringing charges, not the VP.
Not just any VP, in particular Kamala Harris. See all my reasons above. BTW the VP is an extra vote to break up a stalemate in Senate but also works to bring consensus with his or her party members in Congress and Senate. Kamala Harris has already worked closely with Nancy Pelosi, during various hearings, Trump impeachment. Democrats in the house shared common information with Nadler and Schiff within intelligence committees. The last few years has been a time when every Democratic Senator and Congressperson worked together to bring the information about Trump’s corruption to the public. We need that information and more to make an informed choice at the ballot box.
I believe the lust for reactionary and plutocratic power is one reason for GOP treason in the Senate. The other is their rank cowardice fearing Dump tweet attacking them and having his mutant hoard vote them out in the primaries. After all, being a career politician is a cushy job if you can stay in office. Treason against our country is just a byproduct for accomplishing their overarching goals.
I don't think the Repugs in the Senate like or care about DJT but he's their vehicle for job security and ideological success. Why care about America if you're getting what you've always wanted?
They say there's no honor among thieves.There's definitely no honor from these enemies stealing our country before our very eyes. Let's bring them to heel this November and take back our country.
Those are such banal reasons to support an enemy POTUS that I almost hope it's something more sinister. It's almost worse if they really ARE afraid of some tweets. What sad, pathetic people.
Many of the Republicans are also compromised like Trump by Russian “kompromat” When GRU hacked into DNC they also hacked into RNC; we know that they released much of DNC email, after changing many of the email chains to look like a conspiracy, or sinister doings; but they held onto the RNC email. There must have been plenty of dirt in the email, because you haven’t heard a peep from any Republicans about Trumps connections with Russians, China and/or the Saudis. Look how Lindsay Graham has behaved since playing golf one Sunday with Trump. It’s mind boggling that Republicans used their email to talk about things that can be considered by foreign power as kompromat or bad enough that they can blackmail Republicans into compliance. Then there’s the matter of Republicans going to Russia July 4th weekend for “instruction” just what are they doing in Russia on Independence Day weekend? It’s a slap in the face Putin has dealt USA with everything he’s done since putting Trump behind the resolute desk.
We must vote for Democrats in house, senate, and state governments, because who knows what plans the Republicans have if they keep the senate and White House. This is as deadly as Game of Thrones, American style.
I don’t think GOP are afraid of Trump the man, per se, but all of them are cautious to keep their grumbles out of his hearing because of his loose lips, volatile nature and the surety that Trump will spill the kompromat Putin is holding over their heads, if enraged enough. Trump is a loose canon he can’t be trusted to keep such info from the person he wants to control, a good example of this is Lindsay Graham, who golfed with Trump one Sunday, was a Trump supporter ever since, despite what he said formerly. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that Trump has power over them via the scandals he’s holding over them.