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Nov 10, 2020
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Thank you!

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I'm so glad you are going on vacation. So overdue. This may my favorite piece. See you when you return. I'm hoping the band will play ALL of these songs..plus I understand from their tour manager they plan on releasing a brand new track called. " Tuck it like you mean it " .. bon voyage.

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Thanks! It would be fun to do a full discography: album titles, hit singles, B-sides, etc.

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Endless material.. and built in longevity.

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“60% of a contribution helps the campaign retire debt and 40% goes to the Republican National Committee” Hmmm..... doesn’t 60+40=100? So 100% will either go to Donny’s debts or the RNC, that leaves... **checks calculations**... 0% for anything else. ~Make America Dumb Again

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Math, though.

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Love this post.

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Loved this piece, Greg! I, too am wondering what Trump has up his sleeve, of course fund raising was something I could count on Trump to continue, after all, he hasn’t been able to raise much during the time spent in the Oval Office as he might have if he were rallying the Trumpkins on a regular basis.

I’m wondering too, if Putin won’t call Trump home to Russia to spend his retirement there, or to simply push him out the window, once he gets there; after all Trump knows plenty about Putin’s dirty deeds, his moves against America, yada yada yada...currently media reports that Putin is still eliminating those who helped in the American scam/cyber warfare from 2016 and the mid terms in 2018.

I wonder too if Congress will stop the arms from going to the Saudis and what Trump will do if that happens, after all he’s likely getting a kick back or finders fee for selling the arms to them in the first place. On second thought it maybe repayment for something the Saudis already did for Trump and/or Kushner...

Oh what tangled web he weaves....Trump may get exactly what he deserves-prison sounds good to me- but I hate the thoughts of having to pay for his accommodation and food...it just rubs me the wrong way...

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I don't think Trump winds up in Russia. Too obvious. I'm sure there are quid pro quos all over those arms deals. Will be interesting to see what we uncover down the line.

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I agree with Greg. My gut tells me he’s sticking around the US. With such a massive inferiority complex, the temptation to soak up all that adoring fan energy is too great.

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“ currently media reports that Putin is still eliminating those who helped in the American scam/cyber warfare from 2016 and the mid terms in 2018.”.

Haven’t seen this, thank you for the report.

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https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/07/16/russian-police-major-falls-from-window-after-testifying-against-boss-reports-a70895 While they are still covering up the deeds done to America where they murdered at least 20 Russian agents/collaborators; now they are also murdering doctors not solving the corona virus pandemic...my guess is that Russian prisons are full and they can’t afford to let some agents live because what they know is too dangerous to get out.

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OMG, I love love love this! Well said, Greg! I just saw one of my silver-haired cousins, a widow with not much to give, saying she will support her beloved President at all cost, "I've got your back President Trump" And there is NO changing her mind. I really feel sorry for her. Meanwhile, McConnell is going to do plenty of damage and Kushner the list goes on. January 20th seems years away. Enjoy your time, you have been doing the hard yards.

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Thanks! The cult is powerful stuff. It's sad. It really is.

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Hey, lookie what I see‼️ Another poster on Greg Olear is using the expression “love love love”🥰👏🎉

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I am re-posting here 3 messages from Heather Cox Richardson‘s site yesterday. On my smartphone in a hotel it’s a little tricky, but here goes. I am addressing the subject of “they will never change.“

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What We Know:

(1) Donald Trump received more votes than any president in US history. Only the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ticket received more votes.

(2) The election system works. Even an autocrat is unable to tamper with it effectively.

Autocrats are not welcome in America. This election cycle saw an unprecedented turnout of Republicans, including at least seven professional campaign organizations (Lincoln Project, Rep. Voters Against Trump, 43 Alumni for Biden, et al), actively and sometimes viciously fighting against their own party’s candidate.

Face it people, we narrowly averted reelecting our own Mussolini, our own Hitler imitator.

Even so, this guy broke all kinds of records for votes cast in his favor. This man was a legitimate president. Quibbling about whether or not he won more popular votes in 2016, quibbling about our antiquated electoral college system, misses the point. The point of a democracy is that the elected leaders represent The electorate. This man got more votes than any president in history. He IS the voice of that electorate. That electorate probably constitutes close to half the country. We have a total of 340 million people, and probably 150 to 160,000,000 of them are Trumpsters, conservatives, people who don’t recognize their unconscious bias, people who choose a men-first whites-first straights-first social model because It feels comfortable and familiar to them. If you think these people are just going to change overnight, or even in four years, you are sadly deluded.

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And I do not care if I get a single “like.“ I’m not here to get your approval. I am 62 years old and I have lived for my entire life with a father who grew up in Nazi Germany and he has never changed. Slightly, barely, but essentially, no. I am a truck driver. I will caveat that by saying I’m also an Eagle Scout, top of my class in high school, Engineering degree, pilots license, more jobs than I can count in more industries that I can remember. So I’m not just a truck driving schmuck.

What I posted above are facts. That is the reality. We are a divided country. My father who never really outgrew his Nazi social upbringing in Germany, and all the truck drivers and warehouse workers that I meet who are Trumpsters, they are not just going to disappear or convert. I haven’t seen it happen yet, why would it happen now. These people live in a different universe, the universe I would classify as the social model of the past, and they just don’t want to change.

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One more thing. If you haven’t noticed, they ADORE Trump. It is astonishing the level of reverence and adoration I have witnessed. The comparisons to Nazi Germany and Hitler are reasonable, substantive, and logical. My dad was raised in the same northwest quadrant outside Munich Germany where Dachau is located and was born in 1933 in Munich itself, the town that brought Hitler to power. He had a front row seat for nearly the entire show. He has barely changed from his roots. We have gone around and around on all these subjects my entire 62 years, for the last 20 years on a weekly basis, he watches Fox News every day including likely this very moment, and he is never going to change from being in the Red clan. I’m sorry I’m being very defiant this morning because I’m reading a lot of baloney and deluded silliness [in the Nov. 8 2020 HCR Comments]. If you‘ve seen the adoration that I’ve seen, if you’ve seen the obstinate refusal to join the progressive side, you would understand my defiance.

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Roland speaking today:

My mistake, Heather Cox Richardson Nov. 8 (not Nov. 7). Those three posts generated the longest discussion I’ve ever had online.

One of the Commenters’ responses I will include here as well. A woman named Marcy wrote:

Marcy Meldahl:

Help me with my history, Roland. Why would trump be so appealing to average Germans after their horrible history with Hitler?

Roland‘s reply to Marcy #1:

I’m saying the Germans under Hitler are eminently comparable to Trumpsters under Trump in this way: they share the same levels of devotion, adoration, and zeal. Off the charts in some cases. There is one enormous difference between Trump and Hitler, but their devotees, their followers, are interchangeable. Obviously not every Trumpster is a rabidly crazy fan of Trump. But if you look at the devotion of the Germans in 1930s for Hitler, and the devotion for Trump in 2020, wow they’re similar. The support of the core, the base, is incredibly solid.

Roland‘s reply to Marcy #2:

The huge difference between Hitler and Trump is this: Hitler delivered on his promises. The German nation was in severe deprivation, a Great Depression, and Hitler was the German FDR. The autobahns, which incidentally inspired Eisenhower to build the American interstate highway system. The Volkswagen Beetle, Hitler’s conception, a car for the average common folks, the folks wagon. He created jobs, he brought the country out of starvation and the cold, literally, and plenty more. So the Germans fell in love with Hitler because he changed that economy the way FDR changed ours. Trump hasn’t done squat for the average American, so that is why I called him a Mussolini or Hitler imitator. He’s a fraud, a con man. But Trumpsters don’t see that deception. They adore him.

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Back to Roland on Greg Olear: The emphatic and defiant nature of that series of posts is a response to what I was seeing in HCR Comments. Obviously this webpage is a lot sweeter and softer and doesn’t merit the force.

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All that social security money that Republicans want to take away from this lady, that she, in her devotion to the Trump ragtag gang, ignores to her detriment hopefully the new Republican Party (the one that will rise out of the ashes) will be less cutthroat and more giving to their constituents when addressing the social programs and Medicare we all pay into for our benefit, not to pay for their tax holiday!

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Greg, first of all let me say THANK YOU for giving yourself the reward of a week off. 👏👏👏👏🥂🥂

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The last time I took a real extended vacation, the Mueller Report dropped. So....yeah.

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As always, thanks for all your research. Enjoy your time off.

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Second, I just have to send praise for how biting and clever you are. Somehow I already managed to see the dynamic you are describing, which is clearly the story and context for the lame duck period until we are purged and purified of this filth on January 20 at noon. I recognized the arms sale for what it is, for example. But I could never imagine this brilliant story metaphor. You are absolutely brilliant at what you do. I’m sorry you’ll just have to accept this acknowledgment. You do not know what kind of standards I hold in my life. I do not dispense glowing praise with this frequency anywhere else in my life. For you to construct this satirical and wickedly insightful piece in just the time since the election was called on Saturday is absolutely phenomenal and incredible. I cannot imagine any other author or source, in fact I have never seen any other author or source, come up with a metaphor and execute it, while absolutely nailing the truth of the situation, the real story behind the smoke and deception. I saw the real truth, the story of the lame duck period, in part because it hit me that Four Seasons Total Landscaping event was executed because it didn’t cost them anything. By losing the election, the goose that laid the golden egg suddenly died. But to construct this satirical vessel, and pepper with little zingers like “fresh infusion from Deutsche Bank” and “the difference between polls and people from Poland“ and “not investing a single kopek” all wrapped up in the envelope of a band trying to prop itself up as its popularity is dying, is just beyond brilliant.

In my best imitation Boston accent, “Greggy, my man, you are wicked wicked smahhht.”

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You flatter me, Roland. Thanks so much!

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Yes, I praise you and trust me it is well well deserved.

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I almost had to consider billing you for a new keyboard, Greg, as I did an actual spit-take re your track listing for Trump's Mourning Tour!

It's become VERY clear over the past few days that Trump is determined to be as much of an embarrassment to the United States as he possibly can over the next 70 days, as he's been during the last 1,390-some. But it's far better that he do this than something else more dangerous. Let him have his recounts if he can manage to make enough money to pay for them, and let him try to fix his bruised ego with his Nuremberg rallies. In the end, he will no longer be president as of Jan 20th, and the rest of his inept, yet dangerous, cabal goes with him.

Of course, he will have no dignity about it, he doesn't know the meaning of that word any more than he does "empathy," but he will be gone. And with a high degree of certainty, I know he will not keep silent as other former presidents have. I'm hoping against hope that the media doesn't feel it necessary to cover his every utterance on Twitter though -- "Today, former President Donald Trump tweeted that...." NO! I'll give it a month or two before I start my letter-writing campaign to get them to stop.

Right now, I am content. That will change, but after four years of the Daily Monstrosity, we all deserve a bit of time to just relax. Have a great vacation -- I would have taken at least two weeks, but that's just me. See you on the other side!

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ENJOY your vacation! Man, you’ve more than earned a relaxing break. Thanks for this piece of soul soothing!🍻🥃🍻🥃

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Enjoy your break, don't worry I will remain vigilant.

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Noticed gift to Emeraties. Here is another contract.

The Boeing Co., Defense, Space & Security, St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a $9,800,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for F-15 support for Saudi Arabia. This contract provides for modernization and sustainment of the F-15 Saudi fleet to include such efforts as hardware, software, and interface design, development, integration, test, subsystem and structural component production and installation of future modifications and enhancements to the F-15 Saudi weapon system.

Number above begins with a B not an M.

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Send in the possy to collect the moron clown, Resident Donald Chernobyl Trump, international mobster and criminal. Yes, please send in “The Insane Clown Possy.”

Cronies, subversion of government, imbedded everywhere, including DOD, will be destroying records, declassification of top secret, aiding and abetting Russia, fo fuck sake, rip the republicans and get in there and drag his ass out right fucking now. Gina, CIA, STAD UP, deny this crazy bastard. FBI, risk it all and Director Wright, deny him , stay, and brin Trump down.

If all the generals, FBI, AND CIA cannot save us, who will. Melania, now is her chance to earn The Medal of Freedom.

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Finally, after reading this, I understand why the RNC hangs with the grifter. He gives them a cut! TY for your amazing work and rest up.

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'...As the historian Heather Cox Richardson wrote last night: “When you remember that Trump’s strong suit has always been distraction, and that he has always used the presidency as a money-making venture, ...'(article)

21 March 2023 - tfg announced as the day of his arrest-

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