You didn't mention "death by PT". No, not physical training. Polonium Tea. Putin, Mogilevich, et al may finally decide that he has outlived his useful idiotness. What with oil prices in negative territory, it's not an impossible dream. Unlikely, but not impossible.

Thanks, Greg, for this morning reverie. I have a dear friend who daydreams about his demise through Herod's Evil. Sometimes, no most times, I have to agree that would be a "just ending".

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That is covered in the outcomes. I really hope that does not happen, as we'd HAVE to go to war if it did.

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True. Just being a smart ass. Having to give him a state funeral is enough to throw cold water on any of my daydreams about him expiring before the end of his term.

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Well, seeing as they are killing Trump, who is their own agent, it could be explained away as Trump experienced late onset heart disease or got the corona virus..we wouldn’t need to go to war in that circumstance

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Thank you for my morning chuckle...I too gave thought to the various endings of this horror show that is the Trump White House...it’s obvious to me that despite Trumps senility, his narcissism is stronger. He will insist that he carry on doing the “Trump show” at or near sundown -(senility is worse that time of day)every day until the virus shows it’s slowing down, or that numbers of sick are dwindling...or not. Most of the country will cease watching except his die hard fans who think Trump is God..those are the same folks out there grandstanding the reopening of the country while sucking in great gasps of air filled with the corona virus, giving it to each other...Tucker Carlson will suspend his show due to contracting the corona virus while other anchors who actually had the virus call him out as a poser😂

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I'm still considering the possibility he flees the country

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I guess that would fall under resignation, but the fact that we're talking about it at all is really something.

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I keep sending him real estate listings for nice dachas in the Moscow suburbs. He has not yet thanked me, but I’m still hopeful.

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*If* he’s replaced on the ticket, and I don’t believe they have the time to do that. Chances are Republicans will exhale a huge sigh of relief, hold their noses & vote Republican. Democratic apathy would likely kick in & all that anger that’s been building would likely dissipate into a lot of people staying home. Resulting in complete & total disaster.

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No, I don’t think that will happen, the pandemic is likely to carry on for a good deal longer, NY state numbers of sick is still rising, so it’s unlikely that it will end soon, if anything, if they reopen too soon, or too fast the virus will pick up speed and carry through until December, and at the rate Trump is pushing it will be positive without question the way it will go.

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(By Greg Olear, article)

'The Senate GOP and the Chief Justice allowed a sham trial to take place, and Trump was acquitted just in time to actively try to kill us all by his intentional bungling of the pandemic response.'

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