As always, Greg, you have put the Trump dilemma succinctly. I might add that, those governors in every Democratic state know just who Trump is, what he has pulled in respect to the corona virus, the PPE he refused to supply and/or actively tried to steal from them or counter bid to drive the prices up,(I’m positive Trump crime family was receiving kickbacks from every load of PPE sold) these outrageous actions are uppermost in their minds. They and their Secretaries of State know very well the game Trump is setting up and have planned for his sabotage. Yes, Trump has made enemies in every blue state and even some red ones as they are crippled financially, front line workers dying while trying to fight a virus that could have been easily eradicated by now if Trump had acted 2-3 weeks sooner. Trump makes outrageous declarations (lies, all of them) most Americans have figured that out by now, but, know that DNC are prepared, as is Congress. Nancy Pelosi has plans to force the issue if necessary, not only for the election, but also the current McConnell/Trump plan to salt the Supreme Court with another Extreme Conservative minion, candidates that are gratified that the big guy gave them something their other SCJ candidates (including Kavanaugh) may never have seen until many years later, (if at all in Kavanaugh’s case) Most of their candidates are woefully under qualified for such an esteemed position. My hope is that investigations will be made into how Kavanaugh became a candidate and also solvent, upon his induction as Supreme Court Justice. I’m also confident that there will be delays in vetting another conservative candidate, by democratic senators on the committee, until it’s just too late to confirm before the election.

There’s plenty of work to be done not only to ouster Trump but also to correct his many mistakes, his EO insanities and attempts to curry favour with big corporations and evangelical congregations (Koch) by deregulation and massive tax breaks. We will Prevail, I’m confident that with Trumps latest disaster of tax evasion, tax fraud now becoming common knowledge, his horrendous and totally inadequate COVID response leaving more than 200,000 dead Americans that every Democratic voter will mail in/drop box or vote in person ballots for Biden.

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Greg, man - - you're worth your weight in gold. Thankful that this article was public, I forwarded it to two of my sisters with this note: "...Reading this was like a year of therapy plus a prescription of Xanax rolled into one for me. Yes, some scary stuff is def happening, but this piece puts it all in perspective, plus gives some context to terrifying articles, like Barton Gellman's nightmare set of scenarios that rolled out in the Atlantic recently, which both Barb & I read and discussed. This isn't by any means a "no worries, it's all in your head" thing, but is instead a nugget loaded with additional facts & a ton of commonsense perspective. It's also funny as hell. This guy can really turn a phrase. I hope you get as much out of this as I did..."

Send me your bill, Dr. Olear. 😁✊🏻💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊

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Thanks for sharing that...it makes me very happy.

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couldn't agree with you more, and posted a similar sentiment to my Facebook tonight to share Greg's work with my friends in hopes that they can get inspiration from his writing like I (and you) have...let's stick together!

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Thanks. You always bring a balance of hope to the anger generating fountain of phuck that is the Dump misadministration. Only Putin wins. It is a mess and I’m glad the gray lady “shat a pumpkin” for us to make October spicy. There will be more stories, more “outings” that could have happened long ago. These Trump folks (except Mary) are mobbed up and not too bright. Vanks should have not been so exact about her fees.

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Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday, I was VERY busy popping corn and mixing cocktails for what was billed as "The MAIN EVENT." It didn't disappoint in that regard!

Biden said something during the debate (was it really a "debate?") that is completely lost today in the midst of the Proud Boys shout-out, and all the other constant embarrassments to the U.S.: something like, "when the votes are finished being counted, it's over." And it will be. Trump and his cabal have been throwing the "rigged election" accusation around since 2016. It didn't stick then and it certainly won't stick now. He can whine and cry and take it to court, and call out his "Boys" and whatever else his perverse, addled brain comes up with to try to stay in power, but it won't work. If he loses, he's done on 01/20/21 at 12:00 noon. He'll get Barrett on the SC, and he thinks that the Justices will vote by who nominated them or what Party they're most aligned with. He STILL thinks that. Good, let him. As seemingly out of touch as they may be, they actually DO try to follow the Constitution and the law, and sometimes they even get it right, but I don't think they will rubber-stamp this election for Trump, especially if Biden wins in a blow-out, even with mail-in ballots.

This election seems very simple to me: Trump is a lying liar who lies, even about the lies he tells hourly, and is a clear and present danger to democracy and the world. Biden is not.

Thanks, Greg, for keeping sane in this insane era we're all living in! We need more of this, and less, "LOOK OVER HERE!!!!" Cheers!

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The only thing that Trump has projected correctly is that the 2016 election was rigged for Trumps benefit..as is the 2020 election.. Russia is counting on Americans becoming “election weary“ and not showing up, like they did in 2016, after Russia and partners threw millions off voter rolls in 35 states. Wisconsin has 1/2 million people show up to be told they weren’t on the voter list for their area. Don’t let this happen this year, when showing up to vote is very important. If you haven’t received your ballot for mail in voting, or if you plan to vote in person, remember to call and check your voter registration status on the voter roll/list for your area. Most important to vote especially this year..we need to get our country back from the Russians and other foreign powers that have kidnapped it...

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