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Oh, and now we're one day away!

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Tomorrow’s “It’s TUESDAY🎉” is gonna be extra special! We are NOT going back!

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Perhaps I have on my rose colored glasses, but I think that while Republicans will do a first round of bullshit lawsuits and mount minor stop the steal demonstrations over the next couple of weeks, lawyers value their law licenses and Republicans fear incarceration enough that they will not persist in the face of court losses and a firm response from Biden. And you're right Greg, MAGA is much louder than its real power can support.

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I hope you're right. At least we're better prepared this time around and with Marc Elias leading the legal efforts for Harris/Walz, I think he's ahead of whatever tricks they might have in mind. Maybe, except for that "little secret" between tfg and Mike Johnson. That one worries me.

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Are we sure that secret isn't that trump has proof of what Mike really did with the kid he "adopted?"

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I quite agree. The risk to participating is now well known -- cut to Rudy and Jenna Ellis and Cheesebro -- and not worth it. Who is working for him except weirdo climbers like ALina Habba? The problem is that he owns the Supreme Court, but I don't think they can really help him. Biden will not stand for Alito and Thomas to ratfuck a free and fair election.

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Compare the similarities between Trump's attacks against the LGBTQ, threats of deportation and violence against those of Hitlers in this infographic the "Fascist Project 2025 Playbook". https://thedemlabs.org/2024/10/14/trump-demonizes-immigrants-minorities-fascist-project-2025-playbook/

Especially timely is the warning from Pastor Niemoller (adapted) made against ignoring Nazis at the time:

"First they came for the Transgender and I did not speak out, because I was not Transgender.

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew

Then they came for the Muslims and I did not speak out, because I was not a Muslim

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me"

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Thanks for this, Deepak!

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From here, it looks like the media just buried the most important Oct. news story of all. Every Trump voter I hear is voting for him because they're convinced he'll improve their personal financial situation. But on "page 99" of recent news, Musk said that we'll "all have to suffer" for awhile, while he, in his new govt post, "fixes" govt waste. I take that to mean firing govt workers, terminating social security/Medicare/Medicaid, and all assistance programs, etc., while no doubt increasing funding to his space program, etc. I told my MAGA-indoctrinated friend about Musk's "suffer" remark. She said, "But there'll be no income tax." She's approaching retirement age. Very short sighted. And the amount most people would save in taxes wouldn't make up for what they'll have to pay in insanely higher prices once Trump institutes his tarrifs. And, bottom line, of course, dictators don't want us common folk to have money. But that story about Musk saying that we'll all have to suffer -- that's the horse's mouth negating any prospect of personal financial improvement, the most popular reason for voting for Trump. It should be a headline blasted across all media. It's hidden on page 99.

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They are too stupid to know what tariffs are and who actually pays them. I think Trump believes what he says here; he's an idiot, too.

The various reporters at various outlets all emptying notebooks on Musk is a promising sign that he is going to be in trouble long after this election is over. I don't foresee a happy ending for him.

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The official transcript of Biden's remarks was changed by the White House's press office, substituting what the stenographers transcribed as "supporters" to "supporter's," which changes the meaning considerably. As an official stenographer for the Jimmy Carter administration, I feel for the White House stenographers who first transcribed President Biden's words. I don't think anyone would disagree that "supporters" and "supporter's" sound exactly the same. It is only in context that the proper spelling would be chosen.

In my day, we stenographers were subcontractors to the press office, not government employees. Non-Partisan. Apolitical. And most times, ignorant of the implications of what is being said. Our finished transcripts were submitted to the press office for their review and editing BEFORE being disseminated to the press as the official transcript that could be quoted from. Somebody in the press office screwed up, IMO.


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Thanks, Lynell. I appreciate you sharing your own experience...it's always fun for me to learn that way here.

Trump platformed the garbage comedian, has said many times that people are garbage, and per Noel C hates Puerto Ricans, but Biden is bad because of stray punctuation. These MAGA, their brains are so fried. How will they recover?

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MAGA-ites are the equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts, people who blindly followed Dear Leader. What MAG-ites fail to recognize is that Brown Shirts were the first to die, the first to suffer. Don't join and persecution happens. Do join and blindly do unspeakable harm and ultimately death is a welcome relief.

To those who idolize the Nazi way of life, remember it ended with Dear Leader killing his family, then himself.

What's to admire?

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I don't know, the trains running on time?

[Narrator's voice: The trains did not run on time.]

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Tossing the election to the House has been the long play.

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Won't work when she gets 318+ EVs.

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The optimist

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I sent this to a friend who will be poll watching on Election Day. Good info. Thanks.

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Thanks, Ellen.

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Wonderful interview with Gal Suburban. Glad to know she is on our side!

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Right? She's the greatest.

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Great interview and I trust her observations. I do believe Dems are more prepared and aware (that’s the operative word) of what can, would, could take place after the election results. I learned yesterday, that many states should not take days to tally votes anymore. Technology has been enhanced to the point that it’s very possible to get a final count within days, rather than weeks. THIS is what progress looks like! Of course, some not the red states have not adopted this new approach so we will be waiting with bated breath. Our motto: “Give me liberty or give me death”. Our mantra, however, KAMALA LANDSLIDE!

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I think we'll know Tuesday night what the result will be. And it will be KH in a LANDSLIDE.

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