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Thanks for bringing this charade back to reality.

One of my favorite movies is The Death of Stalin. Perhaps you can pen The Life of Putin, a true life farce about a really bad person.

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There was something Death of Stalin-y about that interview for sure.

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Tucker Carlson is Putin’s useful idiot. - Hillary Clinton 😄


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She's right, as usual.

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Alas, this has been pretty typical experiences for our generation of women. The unprepared, loud braggart gets the job over the thoughtful, well-prepared woman who has studied hard.

- Lynn, NYT commenter reacting to the results of the 2016 presidential election.

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On that theory — Maybe Mexico should reclaim Texas and the other border states. Putin puppets will approve. Ted C. would need a new passport.

One man or woman can make a big difference in this world for good or evil. Bravo to you and to our great president as well. Billserle.com

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Mexico has enough trouble with their own cartels. What in the world would they want with Texas strongmen and criminals? Good idea but there’s no danger in that happening. I’m just sorry that Vlad(the Impaler?)didn’t lose his shit with Tucker and send him to some gulag.

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Did you see the photo of sad Tucker waiting for two hours in that awful room for the late dictator? Ha.

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Talk about establishing the pecking order… 🫣😬😉🤣

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When will we figure out that there is no way to go back and redraw country boundary lines back 600 years. The least we can do is try to honor any current treaties, and treat previously-injured inhabitants like human being and acknowledge the wrongs of the past.

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The irony is that Putin doesn't abide by treaties. His word is meaningless.

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Sort of reminds me of another cretin from before I was born. Hitler's promise to Chamberlain.

Won't go back to our treatment of native Americans.

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Thanks, Bill!

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Hilariously written, Greg. Helps tremendously when my anxiety level is in the red. Thank you.

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Thanks, Mindy. When in doubt, the word "defenestrate" is always funny.

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Putin, the czar of chaos. The only thing stable in that interview room is the wood floor. Putin pretends that he is cool as a cadaver with only one foot on the wood floor (he even has to check his own pulse to make sure he is still alive). Tucker is the devotee student of chaos, learning from the master, with both feet safely on the wood of course.

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I was fascinated by the placemen of the chairs, perhaps because the interview was so boring...

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Thank you for listening to and dissecting, or better still, defenestrating that two hour, fucking boring (assumed) psycho-babble, so I wouldn’t have to. And to top it off I’ll go look for Nylon Tusks comments on X, there must be a few choice stupid comments or if I were really cruising for a bruising, maybe view Truth Social stupidity…….no way! lol

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Nylon Tusk, ha! I hate that guy too much to go look.

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Greed. I keep trying to come up with a reason for this behavior. And I keep coming back to Greed. So destructive. I spent a few hours watching “Painkiller” on Netflix last night. I am so DISGUSTED. Disgusted that these perpetrators of death and destruction are still living freely in their mansions spending their billions of dollars on whatever their non-existent hearts desire. Disgusted about all the lives that were wasted and ruined by this tiny little pill (of heroin). Disgusted with all of the people who just took the money and turned a blind eye. But this has opened my eyes to how the Sackler’s , the Putin’s, the Trump’s are all similar. They all possess the same disregard for human life which allows them to behave in such depraved and despicable and destructive ways. Instead they focus on amassing obscene amounts of money, land, power, people and they attract people who think that is admirable (until those people are gobbled up by the greed). I often find myself asking “how much is enough?”. There is a price to pay for every action that we take.

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A egotistical dick contest.

Pick a winner from two losers.

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Sadly true, my friend.

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"Greed is good," said by Gordon Gekko, in a film directed by one of Putin's most ardent admirers.

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Until you mentioned it, I did not realize who directed "Wall Street". The message I took from the movie was that greed will destroy you and everyone around you. That just shows how distorted his thinking has become. Interesting...maybe greed did destroy him after all.

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The rug and the floor observation.


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Right? So strange.

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Thanks for watching and reporting. I couldn’t have done it myself. I love the fact that Putin put Tucker in his place, though. What a little s—t he is! Putin is evil and must be crazy too-a paranoid troll. Somehow I doubt he gets much satisfaction or happiness out of life. (Serves him right for trying to annihilate Ukraine and the Ukrainian people!)

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Thanks, Peggy. I like to think that these psychos are unhappy, but who knows? I can't even pretend to guess what goes on in heir heads.

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By Greg Olear '

Two chairs are set up on the edge of the rug, so the legs of both chairs are half on the rug, half off—perhaps symbolizing Putin’s tendency to push the boundaries, to set up shop where shop should not be set up.'(Greg Olear, article)

The room as a character in 'Putin's Narrative'?

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"On the small, fragile table between host and subject are what appears to be Putin’s phone and car keys." As if to say, "Hey! I'm just like you! I have keys and a phone too - just like you! We're the same!" Somehow I can't envision Putin driving himself around. I'm sure any time he get's into a vehicle, it is bulletproof, armored, and has a huge security detail surrounding it.

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Well said

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Alexander Vindman came up with a good name for little Fucker Carlson: "Tuckyo Rose."

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That's a good one. Didn't realize it was Vindman who coined that.

My great uncle, the one who joined the Marines after Pearl Harbor, used to tease us by saying, "You've got a face only a mother could love." In Tucker's case, that was not true...

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I appreciate your summarizing an “interview”—by one whom Hillary Clinton recently called a “useful idiot”—whose impact I wondered about, so that I wouldn’t have to (not that I would have anyway). I’m not surprised at the anger and impatience of the MAGA puppet master!

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Thanks, Earl. Yeah, it's clear Putin has anger management issues.

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Thank you for enduring that 43 minutes on behalf of us all, so we didn't have to.

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The next 80 minutes are as chilling as the picture.

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No doubt.

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Yes. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is seething about the sanctions, money, the pipeline, and 'swift'. It is all about the money(Dollars, Euros, never uses the word Rubles once) and using Tucker Carlson as a chew toy.

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Thanks, Susan.

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