In her book “Man without a Face:Vladimir Putin“, Masha Gessen confirms the bombing of apartment buildings by Putin and his FSB pals, bombings that preceded his take over of the Russian leadership from sick and drunken Yeltsin. So, by the time the Russian people voted, he was their hero, having stopped the culprits from further bombing (his FSB friends and colleagues). Putin is old school Russian, he was stationed at the East Berlin border, during Glasnost, Reagan’s request for Russia to “tear down that wall” which they finally did, so while Germans and their long lost relatives trapped in east Berlin all those years ago, celebrated, Putin was hurriedly burning papers and vowing that some day Russia would take her power back. His actions since then confirm his devotion to that goal. Putting Trump in the White House to cause chaos and division in America is his ploy to “keep America busy, looking inward” while he continues to annex countries that were formerly part of the Soviet block and more countries too if he can.

Putin, with his partner Semion Moglevich head of the Russian mafia, planned the subversion of the 2016 election, they along with their other foreign powers have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams as Americans, now in full protest mode, sick from the COVID pandemic and its peripheral problems, unemployment, hunger, grief and fury, have pushed USA into chaos as never before seen. No one is looking at what Putin is doing, our allies in Europe are left to battle Russia and it’s push to greater power alone.

2020 Election will likely be more of the same, if the primary voting in Georgia this week is any indication. Ivanka Trump has also been granted further trademarks by China and now owns the right to distribute new voting machines, just in time for a “repeat performance” by Trump or one of his children, to steal the electoral college vote with the help of Putin and other foreign partners...

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Yes to all of this...but Georgia is an extreme example, because Kemp is so egregiously awful. They can only cheat if the vote is close, and it ain't gonna be close.

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I’m praying for that, the vote needs to be so overwhelming as to knock Trump and GOP right out of power..not just those Republicans running for their own seats, but any other R’s running in state elections too. It’s time that those who thought GOP was their friend and looking out for their interest be told the honest to God truth, that GOP has been ripping the conservative voter off in all ways.... always and forever.

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7 plus million votes

60 plus court cases

January 6, 2021 still happened

He was and is determined.

It is as if someone told Trump, 'You are King. The fix is in.'.

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What was once a fear circulated exclusively online had begun to said out loud by some in power. Trump has no intention of giving up his White House residency. Elections be damned, voters be damned. He’ll refuse to leave & possibly take it to SCOTUS where his & McConnell’s investments will pay off bigly.

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Thank you once again, Greg Olear, for another excellent post. Love the brief history lesson on Russia - it explains a lot.

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By Greg Olear

'Putin is a psychopath. And his ultimate objective, as explained at PREVAIL by Moscow Never Sleeps, has not changed in 21 years: to weaken the West and restore Russia to its former imperial glory.(Greg Olear, article)

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