Brilliant but still wanting...if Mueller and his ilk are more boy scout than cowboy, boy scout just becomes a euphemism for a coward. If the intelligence community aspires to its moniker, it ought to be able to figure out a way to reveal Trump's mobster background without blowing up the system.

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This is an A+ comment.

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THIS is what I thought would happen. It's what I've been waiting for all along.

Apparently I will have to vote this traitor out. If that is even possible. Between the plague and Russia, getting Biden in and Trump out seems a Sisyphean task.

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This is great! (Although Kiefer Sutherland as DJT, I’m not so sure. Someone more like Jabba-the-Hut?) When this national nightmare is over, I’ll be looking forward to your Dashiell Hammett-ite series that makes sense of it all. 🙏🏼🙏🙏🏽🙏🏾

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I think by now most folks have the idea that Trump is compromised by Russia, certainly after his meeting in Helsinki and his many meetings, phone calls and mentions of his dealings with Putin, he tells us nearly weekly he’s talked to Russia/Putin, never giving away the content of the call or conversation, but it wouldn’t be much of a surprise to Democratic Americans. Then too, was the initial FBI/CIA and 17 intelligence agencies who told us that Russia had interfered in the 2016 campaign, not much of a surprise to any democrat, then or now.

Trump's base would just put the announcement down to “Deep State” or ”media hoax”but most of them are too far gone to reason with, as I found out having had numerous run ins over the past 3 years.

As for Mueller’s report, I believe that not only was the most incriminating information removed, but much of the lead-in information (giving evidence of serious wrongdoing by Trump and his campaign) was redacted, that is what a judge is looking at now, the redactions are removed, yes, but I’ll bet much of it just doesn’t make sense without the most damning info that part that was completely removed. Yes, Mueller is a “by the book“ guy, but criminal law is by rote, black and white, no shades of gray, it had to be the Congressional intelligence committee to put the “counter intelligence/intelligence part” of the report together with the rest of Mueller’s un-redacted report. To date, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the intelligence/counter intelligence report, or Adam Schiff would have acted on it, to be sure.

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And this is why I follow you on Twitter as well. Methinks you are more than a “history buff.” Way more.

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Forget the file...If the IC has video of Trump in hotels or other places, they should release them to a media outlet that would run them. They could redact certain minuscule parts, but leave the rest for Trump's legions to view. If there is one thing these troglodytes here in the South condemn...it would be their God-King's predilection for 12 year olds. Video proof of his depravity is why he fears RU.

See Noel Casler's twitter page.

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“Minuscule parts”? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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Actually, not even then..the only way that Trump or his name will stink to the southerners is if any of them or their loved ones catch the virus and/or die as a result of them believing his lies that the pandemic was just a flu and that it’s okay to go out because there aren’t many cases in your state.

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They'll blame that on Democrats. Trump is theirs until they die.

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I’m not sure that their blame of Dems will last long, especially when their people start dropping like flies because Trump told them to stay open and congress leaders have been silent on the matter..even McConnell is telling them to relax ...the blame will be laid on the door of GOP and Trump

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I hope you are right, Mary. I know that Twitter is not a very reliable gauge of Republican/Trumpist/conservative reaction because bots! Every time I open my mouth about Trump, I get attacked and blame is thrown at Democrats. But maybe you are right. Anyway, if we are very lucky and survive this and work hard, November will come and we can begin the process of renewal. I hope so.

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Only if we can have mail in ballots with the current pandemic I can’t see that the election can be held in any other way...this evening the majority of democrats, 80% of independents and nearly 60% of Republicans wanted mail in ballots. We shall see. One thing I’m sure of, Trump knows he will lose if mail in ballots are the way it goes...he can’t manipulate those numbers, like he did in 2016. Oddly, voter suppression would be curtailed if not eliminated entirely if mail in ballots are used...in Canada you are registered to vote through your tax return, that way they can keep track of those that move and those that die...why doesn’t America do the same? Your guess is a good as mine...

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This morning I followed a few links and wounded up on Russia wikipedia looking at what they were reporting on Covid-19. I followed to here and translated and welp reads so much different than our perception. https://ru.wikipedia.org/ it won't let me copy and paste the whole link on Trump it pastes like this https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BF,_%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B4

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When I reflect on Bobby 3 Stick's strict adherence to laws and policies, infuriating though they may be in light of present danger posed by tRUmp, I'm reminded of Sir (Saint) Thomas More's response to Roper, his son-in-law, who had grown exasperated by More's adherence to the law despite Henry VIII's tyranny, and the real and present danger to his own life. These words, spoken by More in Robert Bolt's play, A Man for All Seasons, could have been spoken by Mueller: "....And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned around on you--where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast--man's laws, not God's--and if you cut them down...d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?" (In the face of abject evil and traitorous undertakings, Mueller remains true to self and country. Given time, the Truth will out.) - Genevieve

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