Oh, Greg, you're bringing out the snark in me. Joe is the leader of the Democratic Party and his voice on this issue is critical. Just as LBJ's voice was on civil rights. He twisted arms and signed the legislation written by Congress. I'm 82 years old and have seen a lot. Lately, more than I've wanted to see.
Oh, Greg, you're bringing out the snark in me. Joe is the leader of the Democratic Party and his voice on this issue is critical. Just as LBJ's voice was on civil rights. He twisted arms and signed the legislation written by Congress. I'm 82 years old and have seen a lot. Lately, more than I've wanted to see.
Oh, Greg, you're bringing out the snark in me. Joe is the leader of the Democratic Party and his voice on this issue is critical. Just as LBJ's voice was on civil rights. He twisted arms and signed the legislation written by Congress. I'm 82 years old and have seen a lot. Lately, more than I've wanted to see.
Same here