My current life’s obligations give me little time to read everything you recommend, so as usual I really appreciate your CliffsNotes version of important topics. I find this one quite interesting, and especially appreciate knowing the freedoms women had in the 19th century and the real reasons behind the original anti-abortion movement. …
My current life’s obligations give me little time to read everything you recommend, so as usual I really appreciate your CliffsNotes version of important topics. I find this one quite interesting, and especially appreciate knowing the freedoms women had in the 19th century and the real reasons behind the original anti-abortion movement. I’ve always known that the current movement isn’t really about the sanctity of life. I’m hopeful that the outrage over Dobbs and the younger generation’s excitement over the Harris campaign will put Project 2025 in the dumpster for this go-around. Obviously history tends to repeat itself, but maybe the generation in the next century will be more enlightened.
My current life’s obligations give me little time to read everything you recommend, so as usual I really appreciate your CliffsNotes version of important topics. I find this one quite interesting, and especially appreciate knowing the freedoms women had in the 19th century and the real reasons behind the original anti-abortion movement. I’ve always known that the current movement isn’t really about the sanctity of life. I’m hopeful that the outrage over Dobbs and the younger generation’s excitement over the Harris campaign will put Project 2025 in the dumpster for this go-around. Obviously history tends to repeat itself, but maybe the generation in the next century will be more enlightened.