This alone should have had put under 72 hours of loonie bin observation at a minimum. Could she have picked four more wacko and ridiculous cretins? Well, maybe Rand, but that's still a formidable foursome of insanity.

"House and Senate guys are pathetic too... only 4 GOP House members seen out in street rallies with grassroots... Gohmert, Jordan, Gosar, and Roy.”

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Seriously. Four seditious loons.

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Greg, you have outdone yourself. Thank you thank you!

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Wow. Just Wow. Sharing.

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I also tweeted it to MSNBC and suggested they might assign someone to read it and then actual REPORT on these two seditionists.

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“Wow” seems to sum up much of your writing Greg. I mean, wow.

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Thomas's son, Jamal, may not be the actor Jamal Thomas. Actor born in 1969, Justice's son born in 1973. One source says Thomas's son is living a quiet life working in finance.

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I saw it a couple places, but maybe not. It makes more sense that he'd be working in finance.

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That detail is peripheral. So what. You make your main point brilliantly, as usual.

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Before I even got to this question, "Why it is that with Ginni and Clarence, my mind, like E. Jean Carroll’s, goes into the gutter?" MY mind was already in the gutter!

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My mind does not go there when I think of those two, but no surprise when it does. Maybe I am an outlier. Clearly Hubby’s sex addiction is dyed-in-the-wool considering Anita Hill’s testimony at his confirmation hearing.

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I wasn't going to write this, but now I think I will! I have a friend who, when encountering two awful, disgusting people who are "in a relationship" that is so utterly unimaginable (as is the case with these two - at least for me), always comments, "Well, the sex must be good." That's crude, but that's the comment that comes to mind every time I see a photo of them or hear comments they have made or think about what Anita Hill endured.

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Back in high school, I used to have a list in my head of "People I Can't Imagine Having Sex." It was usually filled with teachers and others that just seemed like they never have or never SHOULD have sex, EVER. These two would have been on that list.

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It’s probably true.

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The usual detailed, thorough, magnificently right-on-target study cum exposé. [pun intended]

I agree with and applaud everything in the article, every statement, with the exception of the following:

“As a duo, they make a formidable team . . . “

Sure, it grabs your attention in the first paragraph, but it’s not accurate, except superficially. They are both public figures. They both have access to other public figures. So they’re famous. Big deal. Bill Cosby is famous too. So is Rupert Murdoch. So is Ted Kaczynski. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, “formidable” about these people unless you consider access to Trump and Fred-Flintstone-World Republican “high” society formidable. They are pathetic as hell, just like the former president who, may I remind everybody, was impeached twice, and was a single-term president. A single-term president is a rarity. It means he truly stinks. George Bush for Christsake won reelection, and if that lame draft-dodging born-again-lost-soul spineless milquetoast can win a second time, what does that say about 🍊 Sewage.

What does it tell you that he was a single term president AND twice impeached. So does that make Virginia Lamp Thomas a special human being, because she has access to this loser’s chief of staff?

🍊 Sewage lost the House in 2018. He lost the White House in 2020 after one term, one of the few to achieve that feat. And then, miraculously, unbelievably, he managed to lose the Senate on January 5, 2021. Why do you think Mitch McTortoise is against him, and the others are jumping on the bandwagon? That’s because he’s a loser. Under his watch, everything except for the Supreme Court went blue. If you’re a political hack, a political animal who is acutely tuned in to which way the political winds are blowing, you would be nuts to support that schmuck, unless you’re secretly working for the other side.

We would not even be having this discussion if Clarence Thomas were not a Supreme Court justice. An undeserved SC justice.

In my mind, a formidable duo is a duo with integrity. A formidable couple is a couple that you can respect. Is there anyone left in the Republican Party that we can respect? It’s doubtful. Even the few Heroes-of-the-Moment like Mitt Romney (1st impeachment) or Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger are so poorly ethically qualified to be politicians as to be worthy of recall the minute they won election.

Yech. These people are *yech.*

A formidable duo, a couple with integrity, a pair you can respect, maybe that’s Kamala and Doug, maybe Jill and Joe, maybe Oprah and Stedman. But not these wackos.

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And is this person worthy of the Greg Olear close-scrutiny-treatment at this point in time? ABSOLUTELY. Lucian Truscott also did a piece just now. Great minds think alike. Now is an excellent time to put more scrutiny on whack jobs so that people see just how miserable things are in the world of Fred Flintstone republican politics. Welcome to January 6. Welcome to the new normal, where everybody is acutely aware just how sleazy these people are, the people who want to take us back to slavery, to the persecution of blacks and natives and Asians and interracial marriages, to a return to women being forced to have babies instead of using birth control and abortion when necy, going back to segregated schools and churches, lynchings by police. Welcome to Republican America. All hail Ginni Thomas and her husband and all the good people in their circle of friends, like Meadows and 🍊Spooge, and Putin and other Russian moneyed racist-sexists as well in their extended family.

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Oh Greg, PLEASE tell me this will be a five-part series like Kavanaugh! Outstanding work here, as usual.

Ginni is a loon, of that there is no doubt. Is she a dangerous loon? That will depend on who listens to her and acts on her wishes, who also has the power to cause trouble. I don't think the dotard that is Clarence Thomas has enough real power anymore to make anything happen on her word alone. Mike Lindell is also a loon, and now EVERYBODY knows it, even the people that pretend to believe him. The more public she is with her insanity, the less attention she will be given in the real world. Earth II is another story, of course. The media, always trying to play both sides, may be basically ignoring this because it hurts them for what they think will be a red tsunami in the fall. Don't want to burn their money-train!

I, on the other hand, have become more optimistic about the fall. I have to be, or all is lost. If the electorate votes to give Republicans back any power, I will actually be surprised. I look forward to more Democratic seats in both the House and the Senate, and then MAYBE, we can finally get some things done! Do I sound as loony as Ginni? It's where I'm at right now...

Greg! With the crazy right-wing website link! Now I have a new bookmark to return there and read the craziness. How can anyone with even a mild sense of humor resist? Another story there starts:

"As Monday’s internet traffic was clogged with articles and memes about actor and illuminati member Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock at Sunday night’s pedophile summit known as the Academy Awards, a story of greater importance, the hanging of former Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, received nary a whisper.

At 9:00 a.m. the criminal who had sworn eternal allegiance to Obama was removed from her Camp Delta cage and under Marine guard escorted to a clearing where the execution detail had readied gallows for her arrival."

I mean, C'MON!! I'm not used to giggling in the middle of the workday like I have been! This along with "Dr. Deborah Birx Was Executed Last July", and "Putin Frees 35,000 Imprisoned Children in Ukraine", and even., "Psaki Paid Tik Tokers to Promote Administration Propaganda," is the insanity I look for when I'm trying to find out what the right-wing is thinking! This shit makes Ginni's tweets almost normal. Almost.

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Ginni is likely incurable. Clarence may be impeachable.

I had a nitemare last night. Trump was reelected and chasing his enemies with a sword in one hand and Ginnis necklace Cross in the other.

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