This subject of Trump and the foreign interference in the 2020 election aggravates me, because I know it’s guaranteed that Trump and his foreign backers will interfere, there’s no guarantee that Trump will leave the WH if he loses, or if he/ his goons try to do any number of violence, sabotage to the polling places, polling offices, post office etc.

More disturbing is that there are fellow Americans who don’t see the problem or the threat of a second DJT term, what it will, not may, but will mean for America. My friend and I spoke Sunday about this very subject; that while, for the most part, Democrats see the threat of a second term, maybe even see that there is an existential threat to our country, by Trump and his foreign associates and what it will do to democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution. Some Americans fail to see what a threat Trump is to their way of life. Most of us want to do our best to vote him out in November, we are also painfully aware that foreign powers helping Trump are wily in their interference, sneaking into data bases, erasing voters from voter rolls, changing the vote numbers to reflect a win by their front man Trump, who uses the dais to behave like a goon, to steer his supporters into killing themselves with hydroxychloraquin, or similar “code orders“ to his base of angry old white men to “liberate Michigan“ What is the most disturbing and even scary is the number of Americans including several of our mutual friends pass the whole subject of the DJT threat to the 2020 election and 2nd term as “nothing to be alarmed about, it will all be over in November”.

What to do...

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The only way to ensure he loses is to vote in overwhelming numbers. He can only cheat if the votes are close.

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'...Trump and his foreign backers will interfere, there’s no guarantee that Trump will leave the WH if he loses, or if he/ his goons try to do any number of violence, sabotage to the polling places, polling offices, post office etc. ...'(comment)


6 January 2021

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And yet here we are. Republicans want him right where he is, doing what he’s doing. If they did not, he would not. I’m so frightened some days I can barely function. Yet we are being forced to return to what ‘they’ want us to believe is normal. Amid a pandemic. Amid a country in turmoil. At the helm, a traitorous foreign agent. What can we do, take up arms? That would most certainly end in disaster as it’s quite certain the military would back him. The IC has been rendered or compromised & gutted to the point of seeming unwilling or unable to speak up or do anything other than drop hints which sail over the heads of anyone paying attention. What can we do? What should we do? It’s probably already too late anyway.

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IT's not too late, although I'm not going to sugar-coat how dire the situation is. As I told Mary in the above comment, the way to win is overwhelm him at the polls. He can only cheat if the vote is close.

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Oh don’t worry, I’ll crawl over broken glass dipped in acid to vote the bastard out. I just don’t have much faith in the outcome at this point

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Poor, long-bearded, Zen master Mr Dorsey is about to feel the burn of 45's anger and frustration. So be it.

If you call this vile Prez and his enablers whores two or three times in a row, you can be sure to be thrown out of the house. It's worth it, really, as it is an accurate description and one simply must express some of what one feels these days. Even as an earthworm. We can't all be Axl Rose or John Brennan. Am glad Michael Hayden is out there, somewhere.

Excellent essay so thank you.

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This is a gut check time for our nation and our future. Too many people on the left and right are still living in a delusional, pollyanish denial about what is happening. When sober minded people of the intelligence community are screaming the house is on fire, we'd better listen.

I'm massively dismayed by the so-called "law and order, strong national defense, Russia is our greatest geopolitical threat" conservatives averting their eyes from what is staring right in front of them. Treason is too soft a word to describe what they are doing. I guess the lust for power and reactionary politics is too great for them to resist.

I'm just as frustrated with the progressives who say they want a better America, but think that holding out for a perfect politician and not voting for an "impure" candidate is politically effective. How can they get what they want if the whole country has been enslaved by a treasonous and authoritarian political and judicial regime?

What's happening parallels just what happened in early 1930's Germany. Too many on the far right and far left want to live in fantasy land and trash the Republic to create their utopia. When the people are patriotic and serious speak up, they are derided as fools. Let those of us who are truly committed to the American experiment vote in overwhelming numbers to kick these fools to the curb.

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So spot on. I remember back when John Brennan appeared on the cable news circuit after Trump revoked his security clearance in 2018. I thought back then "this is unprecedented." And while I wouldn't describe him as taciturn, he is one who is precision sharp with his words, and every single word he chooses carries weight. As we are faced with the deluge of information on social platforms, it's the warnings from the John Brennans and General Haydens of the world that carry extraordinary weight. The alarm is being sounded, and now it's up to us to end this madness. #VOTE. Make sure your neighbor, family and friends vote. If inclined, figure out how you can be of help in areas (whether by money or effort) to help ensure that access to voting is available for targeted/disenfranchised communities. It is, without a doubt, our only way forward.

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Stumbling onto you was like winning a lottery that I dont play. You are useful, smart, & gives me confirmation when i fall down information rabbit holes & have to wonder if its just me or really happening.. thank you very much for the info & the rest.

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Also regarding the vote: pls everyone contact officials daily. Nag their asses about election. Security. It's not to late. I understand now that things dont always happen like a military coup. But it is happening. Ppl need to get up to speed fast. Hes going to keep it coming. I personally think the fix is already In for in person voting & havent kept up with the stuff about the post office, if he appts his person I assume that's what the result will be as well. PLEASE everyone dont keep going to work and go home like usual. Very soon we may all have to say fuck those jobs & get our asses to Pelosis office daily. I for one have 0 intention of letting this sorry no good mother fucker roll up & take the place. The protesters thought they were doing it becuase they couldnt tke it any longer, they cant, but had no idea this fucker had been waiting for such an occasion. I cant say George Floyd was an op. , but cant not see that four cups on a mand back and neck for 8 MINUTES really? I didnt sleep for two days so worried I'd miss the first hand accounts & videos before they got taken down. I'll spare the details, but it's time, the mother fucker has to go if we have to do it ourselves. Ppl better dig until u find your bravery becuase u will need it, those that know right where it is already, thank you. All of us need to see, understand and digest quickly when shit happens. This wasnt a response to protests. If so why did the cops have no footage from so many places from bodycam? in cleveland they said no press. Yes it happend. Also 100+ press have gotten shot at with the same as protesters. There is plenty of footage on twitter, find it I'd you need to. This was NOT a response to protest, it may have been provoked. When they go after press like targets what else can we assume? rifht now its black and brown ppl. Then it will be ppl that vote democrat. All this time I kept wondering why he acted and has said things as If he doesnt need to follow laws. Not because hes a spoiled fuck, hes that for sure, but because they are illegitimate to him. Please try to talk to ppl we know,get them caught up and more importantly be ready to bust a move. Many white ppl dont know black or brown ppl, it shouldn't be a requirement tho to protect them. Everyone just wants to have a roof, food and a decent place for their kids. Everything else is just heritage or personal experiences . Dont be afraid of them, or uncomfortable please. No diff from us. Be ready I beg u.

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'...And, in case the ownership of our president was somehow unclear:

Twitter avatar for @JohnBrennan

John O. Brennan


We are now in a full-blown national security crisis. By trying to prevent the flow of intelligence to Congress, Trump is abetting a Russian covert operation to keep him in office for Moscow’s interests, not America’s. 21 Feb. 2020...'(Article)

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(By Greg Olear, article)

'Read the last tweet again: “not if there’s a second Trump term.” If Trump is re-elected, Hayden is saying, in not so many words, we’re fucked.'

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