Dammit Greg you and LB have put together a deep dive on our compromised SC Justices and it’s maddening! Senator Sheldon Whitehouse lays bare the truth of our courts being infected with dark money. I have said throughout my life that corporations run this country and we see it in real time here and with what is happening since Trump tried his coup. I look forward to the rest of your articles on this travesty that is our SCOTUS! 👏👏

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I am currently reading “Evil Geniuses” by Kurt Andersen. Shines a light on how what we are seeing is the culmination of a fifty year plan by wealthy conservatives to roll back every progressive initiative enacted since 1890.

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I shouldn’t be surprised, but wow!

Great series, thanks in advance for the rest of it!

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Thanks for the book recommendation - I just checked it out in ebook from my library.

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Although I was aware of Kavanaugh’s “provenance”, as it was presented (most of Kavanaughs lies and lifestyle covered up) while he was undergoing the senate confirmation process, I don’t know that I believed it was a “one off” but a concerted effort to stack the Supreme Court with conservatives who would, when pushed, vote according to their political leanings.

When I think about every sector under government direction, I am now becoming aware that GOP and their donors have their dirty hands all over everything. Manipulating, making sh*t smell like roses should have been their mantra. My sincere hope is that current Republicans immolate and a party of independents or new conservatives take their place.

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So happy to see Frank Figliuzzi retweeted your post this morning. Breaking through into the mainstream media, little by little. Hope the trickle turns into a firehose soon.

Great post!! Looking forward to the next 4 posts. Thanks to you and LB for all the work that obviously went into this. 

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It has been a continuing question; who paid off Kavanaugh's loans, and who owns Kavanaugh. Most women believed Blaisey-Ford, she was quite reputable and believable. I am so happy to reading this deep dive, it is important work.

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Thank you Greg! <3.

Truth is complicated web and hard to convey to public. -You do it so well

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Great stuff, can't wait for your next dispatch.

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I like the word "shenanigans", but it tends to diminish seriousness; and the seriousness of all this is pretty bloody awful. In fact, it's dire.

We your readers were ready for it, were we not ? - that is, according to our comments on your last article .. Your writing obviously attracts intelligent people who can put two and two together. So well done us ! [grin]

This article makes several points; and that the corporations run your country is just one. But then, it's the same all over the world, that ..

Dunno if I should thank you for this piece - and in advance for the rest of the series - when it's so hair-raising.

Still, it;s better to have one's hair raised than to remain in 'blissful' ignorance .. Yep, writing like this is all that keeps us from going smiling to the voting booths and making our marks without the faintest idea of what's going down.

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How I love the two of you putting your mad writing skills together to tell the tale of Brett. This is dirty in so many horrific ways. The mob underlies it all as I've learned from reading LB's postings and hanging around her flyersides and watching you both with Zev Shalev. I still do not understand how the religion of those running for President is scrutinized so thoroughly while the practices of the highest judges in the land are glossed over. Six of Nine of the SCOTUS folks are Opus Dei level Catholics. That is a problem in an allegedly secular nation. Given we are now a nation of more than 300 million citizens, nine on SCOTUS seems quaint. Let's increase the court to 15 or if need be to 19 and then randomly draw 9/case. The best part of this posting is that there are four more in your series. Would love for you two do do some sort of podcast on this stuff. Maybe y'all could team up with Allison Gill and do some kind of mad special on the Daily Beans. I want to know how we can amplify this series so that the MSM picks this up. They have not just been asleep at the wheel, they have diverted attention from important matters--especially the gray lady. Thanks you guys. Anxious for the rest of the series.

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Such good writing, Greg, and complete. I loved this - "his financial statements and disclosures had more red flags than a Chairman Mao rally" Indeed!

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