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VOTE BLUE, every Americans’ life depends on it. VOTE F-ING BLUE.

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It is true, the villains are old white men, with women and younger men on the rise. What a roster of evil. Never have so many worked so long, with such evil intent to destroy, and with the power agenda to rule us ALL. Most I was familiar with, but Presler and McConigal were new to me. Thank you for this update of Rogues Gallery. How I would love to see them get their comeuppance. BTW, Rupert may be old, but his venom is still as toxic as any baby snake.

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Thanks, Jeri. Just some new folks to keep an eye on in this next season of The Americans...

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Stay vigilant, always

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Thanks, Greg, for this masterful summary of the evil incarnate Dirty Double Dozen who are eagerly lurking at the eve of the new year for further opportunities to lethally contaminate our republic with their festering ambitions. Thanks as well for injecting a little humor in your vivid descriptions of these pestilent parasites; I had to laugh at the images of these”troglodyte” and “leprous ass[es]” preserved in “formaldehyde” who, “resembling Yersinia pestis” and, armed with “beaucoup weapons,” sit only “heartbeats from the presidency.”

The outlook for 2024 is frightening… terrifying! After reading this list, I will feel at best disingenuous when bestowing Happy New Year wishes to friends and family. But ignorance is NOT bliss. So again, THANK YOU for prevailing in your mission to enlighten us, Greg!

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Thanks, Rose! We need to get the jokes in or it's too much to handle. I have high hopes for this year, despite all the evil. I think we are legion and we will win.


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Oh boy! ☕️☕️☕️ Another great one‼️ Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year!

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With women ‘evil doers’ 12.5%, I know I’m on the right path when I always choose to deal with and vote for women 🗽The future is female!

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And the sooner we get there the better!

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Teach your children well and we will.

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Random thoughts: Trump is American Enemy #1, could there possibly be some shadow person behind him, paying the bills? Has he become just the "apprentice strong man". for a more nefarious (other than Putin) unknown Villian?

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I’ve heard Sheldon Adelson paid him good money to be friends with Bibi, & of course the Saudis helped his daughter & son-in-law (& paid for lots of nights in that DC hotel). I imagine he’ll lend an hand to anyone with money.

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Trump will do anything for a buck, I agree.

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I think that was true in 2016, for sure, but at this point, he's powerful in his own regard. If he becomes president again, and begins converting the US into a dictatorship, anyone behind the scenes will quickly fade away. That's why I ranked him first this year.

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Frightening but fabulous! Thank you for getting me through the past few years without submitting to total despair.

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Thank you, Lois!

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The Mike Davis X post is despair-inducing. I have a cousin, an otherwise kind and intelligent woman, who would endorse what Davis wrote, especially phrases such as "rights derived from God". She lives in the rural south and is surrounded by anti-vaxxers and fundamentalist xians. How can we even begin to talk with people who cling to such unexamined magical thinking? She and I stay in touch via texts, but when we first reconnected a few years ago, she told me she supported tfg and did not want to discuss the issue. Luckily we live far enough apart to not have to sit at the same Thanksgiving table.

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I don't know. It's like they exist in an alternate reality that has merged with the real world. You can't argue against faith. Logic doesn't work. PLAGUE didn't puncture the bubble. I don't know what will, other than their god-king getting his ass kicked in November.

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You're right about not being able to argue against faith. When I was a teenager in a Catholic girls' high school, my friends and I would ask a lot of questions in religion class. The answer was always that we must 'take it on faith.' Once I asked what exactly that meant; the nun called my mother and told her that I asked too many questions. My mom responded 'I thought that was what school was supposed to be about.' She never told me the nun's response.

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Excellent roundup, Greg!

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Thanks, Nina!

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The idea that Ken Paxton is shortlisted for AG, mind boggling.

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True dat Nina! Happiest of New Year’s!

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He's already corrupt, so he's ideal for Trump's purposes of weaponizing the DOJ.

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Have there historically been so many evil power hungry rubes? Or are we creating more these days?

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Birds of a feather. They just find each other. It’s easier these days.

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Social media is a funnel.

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Or even a vortex…

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I'd guess that the percentage of people capable of evil is static, but capitalism and politics incentivizes sociopathy, and here we are.

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Exemplary list of evil doers, coupled with massive amounts of laughter in their personal description’s Greg!

It’s rather curious how some have fallen, others remained appropriately placed. Knew Mike Davis was as slimy as Covid’s green bile, he and Patel could have been rated higher, but no doubt worthy of the list.

According to most of the younger generations I’ve spoken with, Genocide Joe, along with most of the ignorant, corrupt, grey/blue, hairless, and foul smelling diapered, should step aside for more youthful candidates. The future is theirs, I’m not arguing!

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Thanks, Patrick. I did not spend much time with the rankings. I did it by feel.

Yes, we all wish Biden were younger, but he's not, and we either elect him or a guy who was a freshman when he was a senior and is also a fascist. I hope these young people are smarter than I was back then...

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Double Down Dittos!

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As supporters of democracy, I think we may have been mistaken in how we've been evaluating the authoritarian movement. We are assuming that this is a battle of ideas, so we can't understand the pathetic ignorance of Trump and Republican supporters.

There is some real "sorcery" that has been going on in the world for decades or more. Think about the right wing talking points; they repeat these over and over so they have the effect of casting a spell on otherwise not so stupid people.

We need to start chanting our own spells, over and over, only ours will be spells of truth (think of: "Trump and Republicans are liars and fascists", repeated over and over thousands of times, not just here and there). Words have power.

Thanks for reminding us of who we are up against.

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I'd agree, but with the caveat that when we label, we give examples and REASONS for why we do so. Just saying someone is a fascist is not very effective. Going through the indicia of fascism (Umberto Eco has a good list, easily found on the internet) showing what exactly the person does that fits, is much more effective.

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Yes, Susan...call him a fascist, and people ask, "Well, how?" And it's exhausting to answer the question.

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Good point, Rick. The challenge is, for a lot of the MAGA, this is faith-based, and you can't argue with faith. We have to convince the sane humans. Calling Trump Hitler, while valid, is probably not helpful in that regard. I'm hopeful the Raskin stuff helps. In 2016, I believed his obvious conflicts of interest would piss off the Republican base. So far, no. But they have not really been faced with them before. We shall see...

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"You can't argue with faith". This is exactly my point. I am talking about the "magical spell" of faith. I think it's possible to break by using another "spell", i.e. repetition of phrases. This is not a rational process.

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You nailed these monsters:

"The troika that rules the Lone Star State—and yes, I’m using troika because it’s a Russian word—is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost of pure evil. There are banana republics less corrupt. What with the voter suppression and gerrymandering, the fascistic anti-abortion laws so draconian they harken back to the Fugitive Slave Act, the extreme vaccine and mask denial, the preponderance of guns, and the state power grid pooping out every time it gets too hot or too cold, Texas exemplifies the GOP attitude toward the people: “Fuck you, die.”

Nothing has changed except the egregiousness of their corruption and the number of people they’ve harmed. Paxton, an outright crook, is on the short list for Attorney General in a second Trump term."

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ERCOT, the power that runs the Texas electrical grid, said today that the Grid is ready for winter.

Famous last words.

No telling what the weather gods will smite us with. The polar vortex is already making its move. Down here you don't wave red flags at big bulls, but some people never learn...

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Thanks, Ellen. I hate them so much. Stay safe, Texas!

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“ If Jack Smith alleges and then shows, beyond reasonable doubt, that Trump peddled hot intel to the Saudis, “

Is this in the cards?

Please say “yes”!

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All signs point to yes, as the magic 8-ball has it.

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