'Twas a delight to receive your latest -- and always brilliantly crafted -- missive. I can't help but note that its focus was spot-on in sync with this week's zeitgeist, as reflected in the planetary patterns studied by mundane astrologers. They alerted us to be on the lookout for those offering a sobering reality check on others who are…
'Twas a delight to receive your latest -- and always brilliantly crafted -- missive. I can't help but note that its focus was spot-on in sync with this week's zeitgeist, as reflected in the planetary patterns studied by mundane astrologers. They alerted us to be on the lookout for those offering a sobering reality check on others who are likely spinning tall tales and twisted reinventions of the past...and here you are doing just that by calling out Putin's delusional speech, as in "He then spun a ridiculous revisionist history..." Thanks for another great read.
'Twas a delight to receive your latest -- and always brilliantly crafted -- missive. I can't help but note that its focus was spot-on in sync with this week's zeitgeist, as reflected in the planetary patterns studied by mundane astrologers. They alerted us to be on the lookout for those offering a sobering reality check on others who are likely spinning tall tales and twisted reinventions of the past...and here you are doing just that by calling out Putin's delusional speech, as in "He then spun a ridiculous revisionist history..." Thanks for another great read.
Thanks, Elisabeth! As above, so below. : )
Yes indeed. I'm glad you can appreciate that perspective.