That's an astute analysis, Mary. It would be nice if people here started taking it more seriously. "Here" meaning the US, not the PREVAIL message board...we're better informed. : )
That's an astute analysis, Mary. It would be nice if people here started taking it more seriously. "Here" meaning the US, not the PREVAIL message board...we're better informed. : )
Too many folks still believe it’s politics as usual, only more so, or they aren’t following news at all, bc they don’t understand and/or they don’t care. When most of the popular stations are carrying Trump/Republican message, media is making out like bandits keeping TFG in the news. Media is also outright lying about some things, it can’t be helped, unfortunately. The solution is multi-pronged, via social media; a well respected and/or former head of DOJ or FBI, to tell US the facts and keep repeating it everywhere. Then, we must insist they televise USA v Trump, either one, or both of Jack Smith’s cases.
Like the case of USA v Nixon, after seeing it play out every day, most came to believe his perfidy, and became the biggest supporters of Nixon’s impeachment and subsequent resignation. Too bad Ford pardoned Nixon, it gave Republicans carte blanche to behave unlawfully, and get away with it..Reagan Bush Sr both systematically dismantled the middle class by signing the NAFTA in 1988. This was the beginning or what we see now..Trump woke these Maghats up out of their angry stupor- these are the ones who suffered most under NAFTA, unable to fight back, Trump gave them leave to do so.
That's an astute analysis, Mary. It would be nice if people here started taking it more seriously. "Here" meaning the US, not the PREVAIL message board...we're better informed. : )
Too many folks still believe it’s politics as usual, only more so, or they aren’t following news at all, bc they don’t understand and/or they don’t care. When most of the popular stations are carrying Trump/Republican message, media is making out like bandits keeping TFG in the news. Media is also outright lying about some things, it can’t be helped, unfortunately. The solution is multi-pronged, via social media; a well respected and/or former head of DOJ or FBI, to tell US the facts and keep repeating it everywhere. Then, we must insist they televise USA v Trump, either one, or both of Jack Smith’s cases.
Like the case of USA v Nixon, after seeing it play out every day, most came to believe his perfidy, and became the biggest supporters of Nixon’s impeachment and subsequent resignation. Too bad Ford pardoned Nixon, it gave Republicans carte blanche to behave unlawfully, and get away with it..Reagan Bush Sr both systematically dismantled the middle class by signing the NAFTA in 1988. This was the beginning or what we see now..Trump woke these Maghats up out of their angry stupor- these are the ones who suffered most under NAFTA, unable to fight back, Trump gave them leave to do so.