Everything Old is Coup Again
A brief Q&A. Yes, Trump will try and cheat to win the election. No, he will not succeed.
“Civil war is inevitable.”
— Elon Musk, August 5, 2024
“[W]hen the spotlight’s on you, when the government’s coming after you, and don’t you want a ferociously independent judge and a jury of your peers to make those decisions? And so I just say [to President Biden], be careful.”
— Neil Gorsuch, August 4, 2024
“In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
— Donald Trump, July 26, 2024
“And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the Left allows it to be.”
— Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation, July 2, 2024
“I believe that we will be victorious. And while it may appear that the last of the highest mountains in our United States is about to be engulfed in the rising waters of a socialist tide, the strength and resilience of America’s tree of liberty will never let this happen.”
— Mike Flynn, August 26, 2022
“What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
— Thomas Jefferson, November 13, 1787
A brief Q&A on the expected MAGA Election Day fuckery:
Will Trump concede, or go away quietly, when he loses in November?
Not a chance. When Trump loses the election in November—not if; when—his MAGA allies will try to overturn the election, just like they did last time.
How will they do that?
Their plan, as best as I can tell, is to have states refuse to certify elections. That is illegal, technically, but when has that stopped them before? (Cut to Jenna Ellis flipping like a pancake.)
And they are positioned to try, at least in terms of manpower, financing, and will. As voting rights attorney Marc Elias explains:
Over the course of the last year, Republicans have become bolder in their plans to subvert the election results in 2024. They now speak more openly about the need to control the certification process. They litigate more aggressively to be able to subvert election results. They enact new laws and rules explicitly for this purpose.
But it’s worse this election than previous ones because this year, the GOP is far more organized. They might have tried to subvert the results in a handful of places in 2020 and 2022, but this year, they will try to subvert them all, setting the stage now for what’s to come in November.
With fewer than 100 days until the election, Republicans are building an election subversion war machine.
Okay, so a few states refuse to certify. Then what?
The goal here, as best as I can tell, is to kick the election to Speaker Johnson’s House of Representatives, which, given its current makeup, would vote for Trump. Democrats would sue, and the case would go to the Supreme Court, where Harlan Crow’s buddy, Strip Search Sammy, lowkey white supremacist John Roberts, and at least two of the Trump appointees would rule for their boy, ignoring decades of case law and cherry-picking some obscure ruling from medieval England to support the position. That’s the blueprint.
Will this work?
In a word, no. Fuckery like this only works if the election is close, and this won’t be close. If Kamala Harris decisively wins both the popular vote (a mortal lock) and the electoral college (highly probable), the American people will not meekly accept five or six corrupt Justices overturning the will of the people.
But didn’t that happen in Bush v. Gore?
Yes. Not only that, but Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were all three part of the Republican legal effort to install George W. Bush. But the political climate was different back then. In 2000, the margin of victory really was razor-thin. Al Gore had already conceded. And because nothing like that had ever happened before, the American people were willing to accept the results. The decision had the appearance of being fair.
If these Justices—Clarence Thomas, who has taken more bribes than any political figure in the last half century, and whose wife was rabidly pro-insurrection; Leonard Leo stan Sam Alito, who authored Dobbs and is married to a hateful woman fond of flags and fascism; drunk sexual assailant Kavanaugh; pompous Neil Gorsuch; People of Praise Barrett; and John Roberts, who has done more to destroy voting rights than any judge since the turn of the last century—try and install Trump, no one who isn’t wearing a MAGA hat will think it’s legitimate.
That’s Venezuela shit. And we ain’t Venezuela.
You really think the American people would take to the streets? Come on, dude.
The people won’t have to. Joe Biden will be President until January 20, 2025. And while Biden is a stickler for tradition and the preservation of our institutions, and has been patient with MAGA to a fault, he also has a tendency to get testy when the GOP pulls that kind of shit. That kind of electoral end-around would piss him off. We would see the Darkest of Dark Brandons.
Biden, it says here, would simply not allow Trump, loser of the popular and electoral college vote, to take the White House on some bullshit technicality. That’s when he would play the “presidential immunity” card. In which case, Neil Gorsuch would be wise to heed his own advice and be careful.
But wouldn’t MAGA then start a civil war, like they’ve been threatening?
Again: Biden is president until January 20, 2025. I’m pretty sure the Armed Forces of the United States can take Mike Flynn and his motley crew of black-pilled weirdos.
So you’re not worried?
I’m going to be on pins and needles until Kamala Harris wins on Election Day. But I am confident that the American people will reject Trump, the mobbed-up racist rapist lying felon wannabe strongman Putin fluffer, and close this dark chapter in our nation’s history.
Photo credit: AiTONOMOUS. Ai art of Trump as Captain America, or some shit.
With the selection of Walz as her running mate, I can really see them getting 110,000,000 votes. 🥹 no fuckery required!
Yes, but I must say that I have deep concerns about the Trump loyalists who have been installed in swing states to oversee election results. I don’t think that we as a country are yet educated enough about how malignant narcissists operate and the extent they will go to in order to remain in power. If I were queen, I would be investigating the backgrounds of all these people, well in advance of the election and making criminal conspiracy referrals, even before they have an opportunity to rear their ugly faces and refuse to certify election results.
Expect the unexpected with this fascist regime. And fight on the offensive, not the defensive.
Countrywide, I expect Harris to pull between 55 and 58% of the popular vote. It will be a slap in the face to Trump and his henchmen and perhaps send them packing, except those under criminal indictment. Those we need to keep a special eye on because they have means, opportunity and incentive to escape.