Your description of Dershowitz as a “ living, breathing Swipe Left” is crude and sophomoric. And spot on. I love it! The only reason I’d ever give him a second look is if I were on a desert isle with Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper. Even then, the choice would be tough.
Your description of Dershowitz as a “ living, breathing Swipe Left” is crude and sophomoric. And spot on. I love it! The only reason I’d ever give him a second look is if I were on a desert isle with Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper. Even then, the choice would be tough.
Your description of Dershowitz as a “ living, breathing Swipe Left” is crude and sophomoric. And spot on. I love it! The only reason I’d ever give him a second look is if I were on a desert isle with Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper. Even then, the choice would be tough.
Correction: “on a desert isle with Dershowitz, Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper”