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Mar 26, 2021
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The dog was scapegoated. Look into Alan’s family woodpile. There’s another sociopath in there somewhere.

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Another good article, Greg. Instinctively you seem to name "friends" of Jeffrey Epstein. David Copperfield (who was my neighbor a very long time ago magically turning his studio apartment into a one bedroom duplex by conning the landlord to rip through the roof, was in Jeffrey Epstein's black book. He, too, has been accused of raping teenagers on his own island.

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Thanks, Kirby. Did I know that about Copperfield and subconsciously use him as an example? I'd like to think I did...

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Strong possibility. Did you know that intelligence agencies use magicians to help them with deception? David Copperfield went to the Victoria Secret events with Leslie Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein. When the Palm Beach detectives were combing through Epstein's garbage they found those old pink note pads. Some of which said, "David Copperfield called".

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Wow! Also, there's an interesting tidbit after getting the highly accomplished expert psychiatrist and outspoken critic of DJT, Dr. Lee fired from Yale. Though, years apart and directly unrelated, Dershowitz worked for a long time to cancel Mike Barnicle, a respected journalist after Mike Barnicle revealed a personal conversation he had with Dershowitz in the 90's where Dershowitz was quoted as saying, "I love Asian women, don't you? They're ... they're so submissive." I do wonder if Dershowitz loathed the persistence of an unsubmissive woman who took on the DJT/Dershowitz/Epstein/media establishment!

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When doing research for some of my Epstein books, I stumbled upon a quote from Leslie Wexner that sounds almost the same. When asked in 1985 what kind of woman he preferred he said, "Someone like Ali McGraw in the film 'Love Story'. NOT-PUSHY. They're all cut-outs from the same cloth. Ha ha!

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And I use the word "cut-out" intentionally.

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Dershowitz, it seems, sued the publication and had the story redacted PLUS got a large 5 figure sum.

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Soon after she learned of Dershowitz’ efforts to undermine her career and reputation, Dr. Lee offered to conduct a joint seminar at Yale with a combination of medical and law students in the audience with Dershowitz. She wanted to have a public hearing of the conflicts and the important issues underlying them. Of course, Dershowitz, gutless wonder that he is, never responded to her invitation. Doesn’t that say it all.

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Your description of Dershowitz as a “ living, breathing Swipe Left” is crude and sophomoric. And spot on. I love it! The only reason I’d ever give him a second look is if I were on a desert isle with Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper. Even then, the choice would be tough.

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Correction: “on a desert isle with Dershowitz, Donald Trump and Jack the Ripper”

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The man who published a book about "cancel culture" in November '20 has spent a career cancelling anyone who exposes his 'rot'. Dershowitz used Elie Wiesel, a man whose admired by people around the world for his writing about the holocaust, human suffering and human rights; a man whose character and history is the polar opposite of Dershowitz, as a credit for his book - "Alan Dershowitz speaks with great passion and personal courage" Eli Wiesel. From all I know about Eli Wiesel I wonder about his true relationship with Dershowitz who described them as close friends for over 50 years. Yes, Alan Dershowitz is a 'magician' and like his pal DJT I pray he will be exposed for the fraud that he is.

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I forgot to mention, the credit for Dershowitz’s book published in ‘20 from Wiesel - Wiesel died in 2016.

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So this morning I can’t decide between “...only saw Black people at the Klan rally…” and “...living breathing swipe left…” as the Olear quote of the day.


And help with this too:

What is with these wormy eunuchy men who have a fascination with the sex lives of teenagers?

At the age of 56 Dershowitz pens a tome about trying to get the age of consent lowered for teenaged girls to voluntarily engage in sexual acts.

At the age of 32, Bernie Sanders took it upon himself to write a similar Op Ed directing parents to allow their young teenaged girls to experiment sexually without consequence. (Duh. Pregnancy. Oops.)

Pardon my impudence, but my take is that they are covering up for their own maladjustment (at best) and covering up for their crimes at worst. What other motivation do they have for what seems like a prurient interest?

Neither of them was raising a teenager at the time.

I can’t think of any women who are taking up the sex cause on behalf of young teenaged boys, lowering the age of consent or trumpeting sexual experimentation for them.

Can somebody explain to me In simple words that I can understand why these two men put the sexual lives of teenaged girls in their craws?

I raised a teenaged girl.

I’d like to slap them both right across their dirty old men plug ugly mugs.

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Sex addiction. Obsession with sex. In Dershowitz’s case, throw in sexism, a predilection for weak women and allergy to powerful women. That particular predilection is incredibly common with men, from what I have seen and heard and from what my wife has told me as well. She says the man who actually likes a powerful woman is exceptionally rare.

I got some grief on another channel, not here on Greg Olear, for expressing my views about men’s sexual addiction. I stand by my words, and by my knowledge. If anyone disagrees with me, no problem, of course you are free to do that, but I can’t change over 60 years of knowledge and experience in this matter through conversation. If we were in a different type of communication contract, I would have you talk with my wife instead of me. Hell, I am a straight white male, I look like the enemy, and I’m the wrong person to talk to women about this. My wife would be a much better messenger. But you asked, so I’m answering.

If it weren’t you, Karen, I probably would not have posted. If I had had a private messaging option here on Substack, I probably would use it. Speaking my truth about male sexual addiction in an online forum opens up Pandora’s box. I am merely providing information, but readers don’t see it that way.

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The phrase “where angels fear to tread“ comes to mind . . .

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Also the phrase “let he/she who is without sin throw the first stone.“

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It always amazes me that the most (allegedly) liberal people have difficulty with conversations about “taboo” subjects. It’s political correctness to a sick and dysfunctional extreme. Cancel of ideas culture. Perhaps it’s some denial. Maybe triggering things they don’t want to recall. Who knows. But it stifles exchanges of ideas so I say no no no.

I don’t know anything about male sexual addiction but your comment makes me want to research it. And it may provide me the answer I’ve been seeking since I first saw Bernie Sanders’ torrid little essay when I was in visiting friends at UVM in Burlington back in the day.

Heading for the local book shop. Thank you.

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There are no taboo subjects to me.

(1) Denial. Yes of course. Human sexuality and sexual obsession is a tricky, tricky subject. Red flags, warning lights, klaxons.

(2) Trigger. Buttons pushed. Restimulation of old injuries and memories. The amount of sexual wounding out there is off the charts.

I can help you find the answer about the Bernie thing, whatever it was. At the very least we can provide some educated guesses, some likely and very plausible speculation.

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"The guy is a living, breathing Swipe Left."

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No doubt Dershowitz is a world class POS..

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No doubt

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As a psychiatric provider, I am disgusted as to what Dersch had done to Dr. Brandy Lee. She and others in our profession warned the public and spoke the truth. Why did he do it? What's in it for him? What is he trying to hide?

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She is a strong powerful intelligent and popular Asian woman professional with heart and guts. She is heading to the top of her game and is well regarded by Yale students and fellow faculty alike. She spearheaded a movement of mental health professionals who took on the X enigma and tried to explain that to the public and our leaders in Congress.

But then She had the audacity to make concise, accurate and pointed observations about Dershowitz, a fellow Yale Alum whose behavior appeared cultish and Bizarre. When he ran to the dean to get her fired, her generous response was to offer to cohost a seminar at Yale with him to engage in a discussion and debate about critical issues. Rather than respond, he sent a poison pen letter to her bosses.

He will do what any woman-hating sociopath will do, make every effort to destroy her.

Dershowitz is a weak has been whose questionable history vis-à-vis intimate and client relationships are coming under scrutiny as he enters his dotage. His swan song, a laughable and incompetent performance during the impeachment proceedings.

She has power and he can’t stand it. That is why he did it.

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'In 1987, he was the criminal defense attorney for Jonathan Pollard, the U.S. Navy intelligence analyst who was spying for Israel. Pollard claimed he was motivated by a desire to help Israel, and never turned over anything that could hurt the United States, but this is a lie. Even Wolf Blitzer, who interviewed Pollard from his prison cell, concluded that “far from the small-time bungler portrayed in some new accounts, Pollard was a master spy, who provided important information to the Israelis.” And there was Dershowitz, fresh off the von Bülow case, negotiating the traitor’s plea bargain. As Lincoln’s Bible asks on yesterday’s PREVAIL podcast, would a foreign intelligence service as good as Israel’s really trust any old lawyer with defending its most important spy, in such a high-profile case'?(Greg Olear, article)

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'As Alan Dershowitz LAW ’62 prepared to defend Donald Trump from impeachment, he also defended himself — resulting in an online feud and a request from him that Yale investigate one of its psychiatrists who suggested Trump supporters may suffer from “shared psychosis.” '(Valerie Pavalonis, Yale Publication, 2020')

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'He was not licensed to practice law in Connecticut, where the criminal investigation of Woody Allen took place. Nor was he a matrimonial lawyer, and thus of little use in a custody case. Indeed, if anyone needed a criminal defense attorney of Dershowitz’s stature in 1992, it was Allen, not Farrow. Certainly he had more in common with the former than the latter.' (Greg Olear, article)

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