Thank you for being a poll worker. I very much appreciate the sentiment of joy in future events, me I am locked in the "don't jinx" the possibilities mindset. It's like saying Beetlejuice out loud. You and Greg may just allow me to enjoy a glass half full perspective.
Thank you for being a poll worker. I very much appreciate the sentiment of joy in future events, me I am locked in the "don't jinx" the possibilities mindset. It's like saying Beetlejuice out loud. You and Greg may just allow me to enjoy a glass half full perspective.
I am pragmatic about it. When she wins, there's no reason to get upset or anxious now, because it won't affect the outcome. And if she loses, there's plenty of time to be upset. I don't think anyone is going into it thinking it's over, like in 2016. That will make the relief and the joy that much sweeter!
Thank you for being a poll worker. I very much appreciate the sentiment of joy in future events, me I am locked in the "don't jinx" the possibilities mindset. It's like saying Beetlejuice out loud. You and Greg may just allow me to enjoy a glass half full perspective.
I am pragmatic about it. When she wins, there's no reason to get upset or anxious now, because it won't affect the outcome. And if she loses, there's plenty of time to be upset. I don't think anyone is going into it thinking it's over, like in 2016. That will make the relief and the joy that much sweeter!