Related to that topic of forgetfulness, I am surprised that you perhaps forgot to provide in your list of our pussy-grabbling past perfidious pulpit’s (“PGPPP”)dull-headed moments, mistakes, etc.. that he also confused the woman he raped for one of his wives. Of course, they too (wives) have complained of PGPPP’s pan…
Related to that topic of forgetfulness, I am surprised that you perhaps forgot to provide in your list of our pussy-grabbling past perfidious pulpit’s (“PGPPP”)dull-headed moments, mistakes, etc.. that he also confused the woman he raped for one of his wives. Of course, they too (wives) have complained of PGPPP’s pandering and petting without permission.
Hear hear Greg Olear!
Related to that topic of forgetfulness, I am surprised that you perhaps forgot to provide in your list of our pussy-grabbling past perfidious pulpit’s (“PGPPP”)dull-headed moments, mistakes, etc.. that he also confused the woman he raped for one of his wives. Of course, they too (wives) have complained of PGPPP’s pandering and petting without permission.
Nonetheless — tell it dude!
Thanks, Dock. I forgot that Trump confused his wife and his rape victim! Good lord, how do people still support this monster?
Pleasure. As to that enigmatic question, who knows/too true! Cheers