Greg, you may be more forgetful, but you are still writing some of the most beautiful effing sentences I’ve ever read. Not just once in a while, but like *all the time*. Although this election cycle is the most exasperating of any I can remember (I have 10 years on you, so …), I am comforted by the viral clip of the Republican former tRump voter who said he’d vote for Biden even if he were dead rather than vote for the other guy. When this is over, when tRump is gone, may we all remember the lessons but quickly forget the man.

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Thanks, Jeffrey. I appreciate that.

We need damnatio memoriae for Trump. A collective shunning.

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Hear hear Greg Olear!

Related to that topic of forgetfulness, I am surprised that you perhaps forgot to provide in your list of our pussy-grabbling past perfidious pulpit’s (“PGPPP”)dull-headed moments, mistakes, etc.. that he also confused the woman he raped for one of his wives. Of course, they too (wives) have complained of PGPPP’s pandering and petting without permission.

Nonetheless — tell it dude!

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Thanks, Dock. I forgot that Trump confused his wife and his rape victim! Good lord, how do people still support this monster?

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Pleasure. As to that enigmatic question, who knows/too true! Cheers

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Great post!

America, unfortunately, is obsessed with youth and the press is obviously obsessed with currying trump's favor or the owners are, to be sure. Trump is far more into early stage dementia and a deranged mind. Plus he presents such a danger to the world, not just us.

Garland was always a disappointment to me.

My memory is still good, but words elude me at times.

I think people put too much emphasis on remembering dates or a specific word, where the notion of understanding a concept or consequences of actions is far more important and Biden appears to be fully intact in that area. And trump is totally clueless and dangerous in that arena.

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Thanks, Mary. That's a good point, about remembering dates and stuff. Biden knows the big picture. That's not as easily forgotten. He knows what he's doing. That's all that matters.

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An hour after watching “Notting Hill” with Hugh Grant and … um … what’s her name … the actor in Mystic Pizza (which I’d only seen once, years ago) and The Pelican Brief … Julia Rogers … Julie Richardson … Julia Roberts! Phew! TBH/ I’d love to have a faulty memory in the not to distant future where DJT’s name does not come to mind.

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Yeah, Derek; I'd suffer some memory loss to be able to forget DJT, for sure!

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How nice that would be! Alas, Trump is, so far, the most famous figure of the 21st century, as Hitler was in the 20th.

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Well Greg you’ve done it again, you’ve enriched my world, and given me a few “give yourself a break” moments, by reading your perfect analysis of forgetfulness. I’d say all of your musings are what and how I’d muse if I had that talent, including where and when you insert expletives! And I don’t hear enough (from other Stack folks) about what a tone-deaf dolt Merritless Garfield is, who’s logic about picking “non-partisan”, should, in our current political environment have led him to a non-partisan Democrat as easily as it lead him to a tRump appointed republican - and why didn’t MG edit the report, and if Hur complained, fire him? Oh well

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Thanks, Richard.

Garland is the substitute teacher everyone knows will do nothing when you fire up a cig in study hall.

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I can’t remember what I’ve read the better essay about memory. At 86 my cloudy brain sucks wind. But life is good. I can’t remember admiring a president more than Joe. Let’s hope he keeps on keeping on. Bill Serle .com.

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Thanks, Bill! I'm with you on Biden.

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Thank you.

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Remember with your body and you will never forget the important stuff. Your body remembers things from long before you were born.

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Thanks, Rick!

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Thanks for this, Greg.

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Spot on, friend! I sincerly hope you regain all your strength!

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Thanks, but I think the fastball is gone. Fortunately I've developed other pitches...

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Some dance to remember/some dance to forget that line rolled around in my mind. I know that lyric but what was the title? I’m 68 that song was so good how could I forget? Anyway seems a lot of the senior senators don’t recall the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons to Russia no less to make peace with Russia! It’s disgusting how the GOP bends their knee to Putin. Let’s enjoy the last game of the nfl which most of us will not remember in a year from now! Ha

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Hotel California by the Eagles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09839DpTctU&t=33s

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Thank You, Lynell!

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They think the Budapest Memorandum is a Ludlum novel. Ugh.

"Hotel California," which is fashionable to hate on, but which is awesome.

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Wow! No surprise that Greg Olear was a child prodigy! I love this story. Next, Merrick Garland...very disappointed and don't understand how he allowed the "Trump Appointee" to write a report like that. A report that people 50 years from now can look back and draw (incorrect) judgements from. So disappointing. I gave up on The New York Times and Washington Post a few years ago. I no longer pay attention to their attempts to engage me. Wisdom is gained through a variety of life experiences and what one learns from those experiences. Mistakes are made and then we learn from them and choose better the next time. Joe Biden is wise. I don't care if he can't or chooses not to remember a certain date. His discernment makes him the best choice to lead our country at this point in time and I am thankful that he is willing to do that for us.

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Wisdom and discernment! Yes yes yes!

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Joe Biden has forgotten more than Pete Doocy knows. ❤️ Thanks for this lill gem.

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A LOT more lol.

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Nicely said. Eloquent, perfect phrasing: "disrespectful little shit." Applies as much to Hur as to Doocy. It is deeply offensive that someone who once held the position of U.S. Attorney - a supposedly revered position in the American legal system - can put together a so clearly partisan report when dispassionate analysis was required. Sad.

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Thanks, Stephen. MAGA is incapable of dispassionate analysis. The MAGA fever dumbs them all down, sadly.

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"Joe Biden has forgotten more than Pete Doocy knows." Yes! Just what I thought to say yesterday over on LFAA but forgot to say. Though I must say it isn't his knowledge but his wisdom that we should fear losing if he does not retain the WH.

Just FYI, I've had Zarina Zabrisky on pause for over an hour now, first because I didn't want to miss breakfast and second because my headphones ran out of battery power. (My computer's internal speakers are broken.) She is a keeper!

And, lastly, just last month I discovered that I've forgotten the names of the capitals of every state that I used to be able to rattle off without hesitation.

And, lastly-lastly, Greg, before your time is done, I would venture to say that you will have forgotten more than many of us ever knew.

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Thanks, Lynell. And yes, well put: his wisdom is what we need (although he also possesses great knowledge). I hope you like the Zarina discussion!

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