Sounds like echoes of LB's contention that we're at the "darkness before the dawn" phase of US history hopefully? PS: Shelley's story about cheating with Mary on his first wife and the speculation that he was offed in the lake (once a cheater....) makes him very interesting to my seniors :)

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Winter is coming? So is spring. : )

There is a play called "Bloody Poetry" that a friend of mine was in in high school that talks about Shelley and Byron and all the free love stuff and the death, I'm just now recalling...I'll have to dig it up and re-read it.

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lovely. poetry read aloud gives the words wings. i did not know he died young.

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'...As this has been a particularly dark week in the history of this country, I wanted to share the last two verses of the poem today...'(article)

What wasn't he doing that week? Can't recall.

'...Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawakened Earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?...'(article)

'...Shelley knew, he knew, that he would prevail.

I feel the same way...'(article)

13 April 2023

Thank goodness, the USA did.

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14 April 2023

Went to an aggregate site, dated. 30 August 2020, and saw why Mr. Greg wrote '..As this has been a particularly dark week in the history of this country, I wanted to share the last two verses of the poem today...'(article)

'ODNI's Ratcliffe informed Congress ending face -to- face updates on election security issues for the 2020 election(s); Hurricane Laura; Portland Rt. protestor killed; 25 million cases Covid in world 'withThe United States has the highest number of infections and deaths...'; Russian aircraft intercept of US aircraft over the Black Sea.'(aggregate site, ref. NYT, CNN, Politico...)

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