I, like so many others, am growing tired of the charade. Either indict him or not, but it's time to get on with it. Why the delay? New witnesses? Threats of violence? Cowardice? Same question for Fani Willis. She said indictments were imminent...two months ago. And we don't even need to talk about Garland. He was handed 10 counts of obstruction by Mueller. The classified documents case is open and shut. And let's be real, the J6 case isn't all that complicated either. What we don't have on video, we have in tweets. And really, do we think that Ali Alexander or Roger Stone or Rudy won't flip to avoid 20 years in prison?
As I have said in other forums, Trump and his co-conspirators should have been arrested on January 21, 2021 and held without bail pending a full investigation and trial. Two plus years have allowed him to bully his way into near invincibility.
Not so amusing so far... ; )
I, like so many others, am growing tired of the charade. Either indict him or not, but it's time to get on with it. Why the delay? New witnesses? Threats of violence? Cowardice? Same question for Fani Willis. She said indictments were imminent...two months ago. And we don't even need to talk about Garland. He was handed 10 counts of obstruction by Mueller. The classified documents case is open and shut. And let's be real, the J6 case isn't all that complicated either. What we don't have on video, we have in tweets. And really, do we think that Ali Alexander or Roger Stone or Rudy won't flip to avoid 20 years in prison?
As I have said in other forums, Trump and his co-conspirators should have been arrested on January 21, 2021 and held without bail pending a full investigation and trial. Two plus years have allowed him to bully his way into near invincibility.