Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

I see Bragg's indictment over story as more of an amuse bouche than even a aperitif. Now, if he throws in witness tampering, obstruction of justice, or even being a public nuisance, then I would elevate it to the next level.

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Not so amusing so far... ; )

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I, like so many others, am growing tired of the charade. Either indict him or not, but it's time to get on with it. Why the delay? New witnesses? Threats of violence? Cowardice? Same question for Fani Willis. She said indictments were imminent...two months ago. And we don't even need to talk about Garland. He was handed 10 counts of obstruction by Mueller. The classified documents case is open and shut. And let's be real, the J6 case isn't all that complicated either. What we don't have on video, we have in tweets. And really, do we think that Ali Alexander or Roger Stone or Rudy won't flip to avoid 20 years in prison?

As I have said in other forums, Trump and his co-conspirators should have been arrested on January 21, 2021 and held without bail pending a full investigation and trial. Two plus years have allowed him to bully his way into near invincibility.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Your writing is so spot on and your conclusion that we the people need to see some heads roll is so true. The crimes are so egregious and in our faces that the delay in indicting and convicting has become a personal affront - if I hear one more time that Merrick Garland is just being thorough I'll lose my temper, it can't take 2+ years to put such an obvious case together - really MG if you were/are having trouble, you should have just used the J6 Committee findings of fact and do what you have to do to pimp them up for the DOJ, they are legitimate findings obtained under oath. Here's to believing Jack Smith is bringing the charges home to indict and convict. Only idiots (#1 Mike Pence) think indicting and convicting a former president is unthinkable - if they did the crime, they should do the time - in the case of tRump there are plenty of crimes to choose from and plenty of evidence to convict. I feel better now.

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I believe he is too scared ..and not sharp...I would like a non vocal Hakeem Jeffries who gets in there,and laser focused on all the septuagenarian Sociopathic crooks and Liars..we need a 🐯 tiger

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There are plenty of people defending him, but at this point, there seems little question that MG was never up to the task.

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Thanks, Richard. It's not idiots who think that; it's co-conspirators. As I wrote here long ago, Mike Pence acts like owned property. The only time he deviated from the Trump line was when Trump sent a mob of besiegers to kill him and his family.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

I'm certainly not prepared to celebrate yet.

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Ant therein is the sadness of a nation...

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Not by a long shot.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Studies show that many sexual assault victims are more traumatized by lack of accountability than by the assault itself. We are all victims of that poor-excuse-for-a-human’s crimes, and we will continue to suffer psychologically, and physically, until there is justice.

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Thanks, Barbara. Excellent point. And true. We can't just "move on," like we usually do in US history. We need justice.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Thanks for the review on all DFG’s top lieutenants. Hard to believe that Putin is a libra as he shows no empathy towards fellow human beings! I still wonder what dirt they have on Pence. Obviously fly boi failed in the end to keep Dfg in the WH. Rachel did a great job last night showing all the former pols who have been convicted of corruption and that there was no rioting in the streets over their arrests /convictions. MTG is saying no to rioting! MAGA voters are a cult but they can’t see it. Their ignorance of the English language is appalling.

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Nailed it

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They revel in their ignorance. I don't understand that. I just don't get it at all.

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Oh where are men like Lee Harvey Oswald when the rule of Justice breaks down? As deluded as he was, he at least stood up for what he believed, and was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for America. I realize this statement is a stretch; and I'm not seriously advocating assinating Drumpf. But I do want to see him and his cohorts hung for treason, by good men, un-deluded men, not bought and paid for hacks of the political machine! Men elected or appointed by law to carry out the nations business, with the full authority of our Laws, as seamy as this business has become! Today. Now! 🇺🇸🫵🙏👊🇺🇸

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I don't believe that capital punishment serves as much of a deterrent, but in the case of treason, I bet that it would.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

There are reports that Fulton Country GA DA Fani Willis will bring RICO charges against Trump and his cronies. She has used this tactic before.

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...as the head of the federal DOJ watches from his ivory tower.

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This is the biggest legal investigation in history, encompassing international players. I don't think Merrick Garland would have appointed Jack Smith, who worked in the Hague prosecuting war criminals just to do nothing. Eventually everything will come out. Might take some time, but I'd rather Smith has airtight cases to present than hastily done ones with holes.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

His greatest "high" is to be painted as the victim. The next biggest "high" is to have his supporters swoop down to "rescue" him. Then he can look in the mirror and say "I have friends. People love me." So sad.

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Don't forget the grift! The grift worked this week.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Morning Greg, That is the perfect use of THE USUAL SUSPECTS line-up pic. Let’s hope the delay from Ms Willis in her indictment of the FPOTUS indicates a RICO charge which engulfs all of his gang of thugs including the dopes in Congress. I think it is so fitting that two Black American public servants will go down in history as the first prosecutors to prosecute a former and aspiring POTUS. That will be the perfect culmination of the racist Trump family legacy.

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Thanks, JP. I was pleased with the graphic, which occurred to me 20 minutes before I posted this. Quick Photoshop is fun Photoshop!

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Yikes, Greg. Putting these criminals all in a row is overwhelming. I read a WaPo article (gifted link provided) that highlights the thousands of prospective defendants that will put a strain on our court system to see to it justice prevails. I was particularly struck by the news that they were having to hire additional court reporters (my prior profession) to help carry the load. Even with voice-to-text type software, it's a huge job to provide timely verbatim transcripts. I've lost my court reporting abilities years ago or I would volunteer to lend a hand.


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Nuremberg-style military tribunals would move things along, and deter future insurrectionists from meeting the same fate.

I didn't know you were a court reporter! How fascinating!

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Oh, the stories I could tell, if I could just remember them!

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Yes an apertif

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Justice in this country will only rise to its level of incompetence and integrity... unless you poor or poc

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It certainly seems that way.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Quite the rogue's gallery there. The one who burns me most is Flynn, that man wipes his ass with his uniform. Drumpf is working himself up into a heart attack, quick someone get the horse dewormer and a light bulb before he gets the cowards way out. Half the time I want quick frontier justice and the rest of the time I rather enjoy watching the slow torture of him choking on his own bile, never knowing when the other shoe drops. So how much longer I can hold out without seeing some heads roll, I can't promise. Popcorn or cheese puffs with my wine? Talk about some criminals, don't forget that before this cappo wannabe darkened our doorstop, Congress was, and still is, the sleeziest, slimiest basket of deplorables in this country, with a popularity to match. While the douche distracts with his rantings and the press runs along like starving vultures, congress creatures are in a race to the bottom to out-do their revenge porn, taking every opportunity in this long delay of justice to pile on the hate and misery, because if there's no accountability, must be ok to continue, just pass them another fat envelope of cash, the corrupt SC has compromised all the guardrails and the oligarchs are in charge of the asylum. Justice runs the risk of being overtaken and lost with every day of delay.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Well said!

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Perfect comment, Edna. Thank you.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

And to think, once again, that all of this -- ALL OF THIS -- is because Trump's ego wasn't satisfied sitting up in his skyscraper office in Trump Tower, lording over minions and lying, cheating, and stealing to get real estate in Manhattan with his name at the tops of buildings. No, like Mary Trump's book, Too Much and Never Enough, he just HAD to come down that gold-plated escalator and foist himself on this country. NONE of this would be happening without that. Ted Fucking Cruz would have been a better president. Prove me wrong!

The thing that really burns my britches is that while all of this is STILL going on, he's, somehow, still allowed to run for President of the United States! The Republican-controlled Senate SHOULD have taken care of that with their TWO chances, but no, partisanship, and the absolute hair-raising fear of a mean tweet, kept them in line. Republicans KNEW and KNOW what he is, and they keep defending him as if all of the criminality is just a partisan witch-hunt. THAT is what infuriates me the most about them. They CHOOSE to be traitors to their party and their country, all for one broken down old fuck. It's truly revolting!

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Every syllable on target, our problems are of Repub making. The problems they didn’t make, they exacerbated. And still they rule the fools.

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Yes yes and yes. The GOP is no longer a party of patriots. They are all traitors, including the Romney types they trot out occasionally to throw us off the scent.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

One potential problem with multiple indictments is that a good defense legal team (which Trump, for all his churn and burn of the legal profession, will no doubt have) may be able to exploit the cases' competing demands to delay trials virtually indefinitely (depending to some degree on the judges presiding).

If that turns out to be the case, then, from a legal standpoint, the Bragg case could wind up clogging up the works, and from a political standpoint, as you've noted, turning public opinion against Trump's "persecution."

The hush money case is not, in fact, trivial -- but it does pale extremely in comparison with the suborning of election fraud (Georgia; where the evidence is rock solid), purloining classified documents and stoking an insurrection (federal, tougher cases to prove). If I were choreographing, it would be Georgia first -- though Fani may have too much baggage to move decisively.

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Thanks, Jonathan. Not sure about Trump's legal team. Have you seen these jokers fanning out on his behalf on the cable news shows? Not sure he's attracting the best and the brightest at this point. Good lawyers tend to like getting paid for their work, especially if they are in bed with the devil.

I think him tied up in court will be a good thing. Let him worry about it every day for the rest of his miserable life.

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Yes, indeed, there are some signs that Trump has in fact succeeded in scaring (and revolting) off the A-list and B-list attorneys out there. I'm such a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist that I keep believing some evil Miracle Max type will concoct a chocolate-coated Resurrection Pill for him and we'll be right back in the soup. I hope that's just neurotic over-preparation on my part!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Greg Olear

Greg, thank you for this retelling of history. Trump will go to his grave being Donald. Only the citizens can change the roadways ahead. There are more important issues on the road than Stormy lap dancing on Donalds crooked dick.

Like Climate Crises. Future pandemics. WW3. Nation Hegemonys. AI, the rise of machines. The sixth extinction.

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But repubs keep us focused on the avalanche of bull schitt

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It's their lone skill.

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I wish I knew when the Sixth Extinction would begin, so I can take time off work and max out my credit cards...

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Maybe 20 January 2025

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