Yes, indeed, there are some signs that Trump has in fact succeeded in scaring (and revolting) off the A-list and B-list attorneys out there. I'm such a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist that I keep believing some evil Miracle Max type will concoct a chocolate-coated Resurrection Pill for him and we'll be right back in the soup. I hope that's just neurotic over-preparation on my part!
Yes, indeed, there are some signs that Trump has in fact succeeded in scaring (and revolting) off the A-list and B-list attorneys out there. I'm such a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist that I keep believing some evil Miracle Max type will concoct a chocolate-coated Resurrection Pill for him and we'll be right back in the soup. I hope that's just neurotic over-preparation on my part!
Yes, indeed, there are some signs that Trump has in fact succeeded in scaring (and revolting) off the A-list and B-list attorneys out there. I'm such a dyed-in-the-wool pessimist that I keep believing some evil Miracle Max type will concoct a chocolate-coated Resurrection Pill for him and we'll be right back in the soup. I hope that's just neurotic over-preparation on my part!