This subject is timely (as I’m planning to take my paperwork to the tax preparer today), disturbing, and mind-bogglingly complicated. I think I’ll be happier today if I think about other things besides how the super-rich and power-hungry politicians are jerking us around.
This subject is timely (as I’m planning to take my paperwork to the tax preparer today), disturbing, and mind-bogglingly complicated. I think I’ll be happier today if I think about other things besides how the super-rich and power-hungry politicians are jerking us around.
This subject is timely (as I’m planning to take my paperwork to the tax preparer today), disturbing, and mind-bogglingly complicated. I think I’ll be happier today if I think about other things besides how the super-rich and power-hungry politicians are jerking us around.
I hope you get a nice return!